What joist hangers onto this steel

17 Aug 2014
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United Kingdom

I’m half way putting a steel in to take 15 first floor joists.

My first plan was to use jiffy hangers and wrap them around the wood that would be in web of the steel and install the steel. That can’t be done as the steel needs to go the side ways to bolt to another steel then up and wouldn’t work.

I don’t have any room above the steel to put a piece of wood to wrap them over and nail them down as there’s only about 20mm from the steel to the underside of the floorboards.

I found some face fix hangers but they appear to be to tall and don’t fit.

Does anyone know the best way to tackle this to get the hangers on?



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Can these be cut down to the required height? The only I have seen will sit slightly too high, meaning two nail holes will but cut off?
I think you'd get away with it - I think you can see on mine I couldn't nail the top hole. I could have imagined it but I sure I once read that 75% of the holes have to be nailed.
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From the top of the steel to the underside of the floorboard I have around 20mm, not enough space for any wood and to nail down, the joists also don’t run inline, there butted up next to each other, if I used longer hangers the joist on the other side would be in the way of folding down the strap and nailing in
If the standard straps don't fit, then get the long leg hangers and they will go over and down the other side. Bend and twist the legs as need be on the other side, to miss the other joists.

You wont need to nail them down over the top.

If you fashion some nice 90° bends, then you can glue the packing timber to the steel over the top of the straps.

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