What paint for my bathroom window frame?

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Tomorrow will be fine mate I ain't going to far with a couple of broken toes. :cry:

Here's a pic of the paintwork. It's all stripped now.
One more question, when is the best time to apply the silicone between the tiles and the frame? The most convenient would be once the primer is dry, then undercoat and gloss on top. Is this OK?
I should have done a search before posting that :)
Definitely shouldn't try and paint over the silicone, so it has to go on last.
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Well silicone is sometimes overpainted, yet looking at that pic you would be better to use caulk or flexible dec filler I use Unibond myself. I would spot paint the bare areas and when dry apply an undercoat, then do any filling needed one more undercoat and then top. Dont forget the prep between coats and lets hope that than fan helps with that condensation.

I've got a tube of flexible acrylic decorators filler, I wasn't sure about using it in a bathroom. Is it OK for a join between tiles and a window frame? The gap gets up to about 6mm.
The frame is now completely stripped and sanded back to bare wood, and all the old sealant removed.
One last question :) Is it best to apply the acrylic filler on bare wood or after it's primed? Or does it not matter?

Could be worse.

Modesty, prevents me telling you about my fracture history. :(

For a minute there , I thought you were David Haye. :LOL:
Ouch! I've broken toes before - but it was my own (very) stupid fault. At least you should only be out of action for a few days.

Thanks for your advice.
Doc reckons on week, anyway dont you go worrying about my toes you get on with that window. ;)


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