What would you have done here?

she told the council she could manage the stairs so she would take the house. then said she couldn't so she demanded a ramp (now in a stronger bargaining position) they built a ramp following building regs for gradients and now she's not happy with how it looks.

it does the job and is safe, think the council have done enough. and unlike a lift this will require next to no maintenance.
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See if Maggie hadn`t sold all the good houses , there`d be more choice :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Surely a motorised ramp running on two rails would have been cheaper?

Would have been more pleasing to the eye as well. That is just ridiculous and whoever sanctioned it needs sacking.
It was the mother that asked for that house even though it had stairs, then she campaigned for the ramp. it would have taken her two minutes to google ramp building regs to see what was required so she has responsiblity for this eyesore surely?