Whats wrong with the legal system in this country ?

Maybe there family could do us a favour and do some 'honour killings' after the shame they have brought on there families. Just the thought warms my cockles... :evil:

I doubt it, the families are probably willing them on to commit such crimes. We have become soft and the other nationalities spot this, exploit it and then reap the benefit of being let off scot-free.
Forgetting the racist part of this attack for a second, watch the video and tell me under what circumstances people should not be jailed for such brutality.
ABH is ABH surely - this is an offence that carries a custodial sentence regardless of whether "they weren't used to drinking" - well they f***ing shouldn't have been drinking then. They are all old enough to make informed choices and carry the can.
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Yes for a moment forget the race card, I watched the video you can see them running up for the attack..........the lad at first you can tell doesn't know what to do...... I'm mean how many men would lay in to a woman ?

I think as the attack continues he starts to lash out.

Now for the race card.........had it been four white lads attacking and calling them B.... B.......s what would they have got....... five years ?

The main issue for me is the law should be applied impartially and thats clearly not the case. Thats what sticks in my craw.
Only black people are issued the race card. That's the way it is.
Only black people are issued the race card. That's the way it is.
Unfortunately, that certainly seems to be so in a lot of cases.

I find it sadly ironic that those in the lefty "PC" brigade who bleat the loudest about how unfair it is to discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, homosexuality, etc. are the ones who are also the most vociferous supporters of legislation which sets out to impose just such discrimination officially, so long as that official discrimination is against anyone who is white, Christian, heterosexual etc.
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I believe the term is positive discrimination. It's like when the police havevto fill quotas of ethnics, regardless if they can do the job, and many other civil service posts are the same.
I believe the term is positive discrimination.
A daft term if ever there was one, and clearly intended by those who promote such things to try and make their own preferred form of discrimination sound as though it's a good thing, while any other sort of discrimination is, by inference, bad.

By the simple law of reciprocity, if you have a choice of two candidates and you discriminate in favor of one, then you have also discriminated against the other. Discrimination, of necessity, has to include an element which is positive to the favored individual, group, or thing, and negative to the others. Favoring, say, white candidates over black would be just as much "positive discrimination" as the reverse situation, except in the eyes of the "PC" mob, of course, who seem to think that their particular brand of discrimination is somehow a "special" case.
The same applies to the black police association. There ain't one for Chinese police officers or irish police officers or White officers.
And anyone who would suggest a white anything association would be a racist bigot, of course. But apparently those who suggest a black whatever association aren't. Aren't hypocrisy and double standards wonderful?
When I worked for the local council, I was at a team building meeting in the council house with a few managers and the Head of Department. We were all asked if we knew what was meant by the council's "Equal Opportunities" policy. All were coming up with the expected answers about equal opportunities for everyone regardless of race, sexuality, disability, marital status etc. It got round to my turn to say my views on it, so I told the HoD that, "If I was a black, lesbian, single parent family and I was in a wheelchair, I probably ticked all the boxes needed to apply for the Chief Executives job."
He looked at me with surprise for a few second, before laughing out loudly and said. " Your probably right there." ;) ;) ;) ;)
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