Whats your speed?

90 mph. Not too bad as its an 80 mph limit here. Terrible motorways though with big potholes so its not really advisable to drive much faster.
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Lol, joe i know it was the type of question usually directed at you.....but on this occasion......... :confused:

Either way, thanks for sharing :)
rarely below 90... where's the crime in that? i'm not upsetting anyone am i?
Lol, trolling in your own thread.....good one!
....Ok, i'll bite.

The motorways are 'rarely' empty yet you 'rarely' go below 90 and hate being overtaken.
You're the worst kind of driver. But you probably think you're a great driver and could easily avoid a collision at such high speeds cos of your mad driving skillz?!

Have you reached puberty yet?

Ah, but that's alright. He drives a BMW. :LOL:
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I'll admit when i was going to see my dying grandmother, i broke the speed limit up the M1, but only by 70 MPH. (I mean i only did 70 MPH :D)
the relevant factors here
a well maintained modern car
a person with enough concentration and brain power
the weather conditions
other road users
and the road layout

for each additional above 1 in your favour add 10% above the speed for each against deduct 5%

so 1=70

or 1=70

no good having a 150mph car with 50mph brain
Caused a small amount of lively debate....

I was joshing of course.

I have driven at those sort of speeds, but this was many years ago and i had a late night commute home.

I have kids now and would never travel that fast these days. 80's ok for me, but you do see them coming past you at crazy speeds on a regular basis. There are some nutters about.
150 on a motorway is not good, it develops corners !! not i've ever been at that speed, that would be wrong, and illegal.
Legend has in the late '80s people used to go round the M25 in less than an hour and that road is just one big corner. I heard that nowadays it's possible to get round in less than a whole day but I reckon that a bit unlikely.

One has done 118mph on the M1, again in the late '80s. I know this as I looked over and there was a police car driving along side so naturally I checked my speed. He simply wagged his finger, then sped off at quite a rate of knots. Funnily enough I caught up with him about five miles later, or 2 and a half minutes, if you prefer.
Usually between 70-75mph on motorway. Mainly because I'm a Yorkshire man who's careful with his money ;)

I do know someone who got pulled over doing about 95mph at 1am. Totally quiet motorway (M62 near Goole) and police were waiting (hiding) behind a bridge embankment.
Legend has in the late '80s people used to go round the M25 in less than an hour and that road is just one big corner. I heard that nowadays it's possible to get round in less than a whole day but I reckon that a bit unlikely.

One has done 118mph on the M1, again in the late '80s. I know this as I looked over and there was a police car driving along side so naturally I checked my speed. He simply wagged his finger, then sped off at quite a rate of knots. Funnily enough I caught up with him about five miles later, or 2 and a half minutes, if you prefer.

you'd have circumnavigated it in 1 hour then, as memory serves, the M25 is 118 miles round.
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