When will it stop?

Apparently, Fox News are apoplectic as they have nothing to be racist, xenophobic or anything else about this rich, white, christian, home grown lone wolf.
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Some Bloke was on the telley in Texas (a good while back) he walked in.to a bank who had a special offer.

When u open an account u got a firearm from the bank , he opened an account and walked out with a pump action shot gun :LOL:

The bank did not supply ammo , so he went 2 doors down , shot gun on his shoulder went into the barber shop for a hair cut & also bought a couple of boxes of ammo in the same shop :LOL:

since the shooting in Las vegas the share price of gun manus has gone up 8% (?)

If 58 tourists had been shot dead in say morocco ?? there tourist industry would collapse over night ? doubt it will make much difference to the tourist trade in Las Vegas ??

Tis a funny old world (what say u way har beeeeeeeeeeeee)
Has anyone seen the video's purporting to show automatic gunfire from the 4th floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel at the same time this chap was on the 32nd?
Has anyone seen the video's purporting to show automatic gunfire from the 4th floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel at the same time this chap was on the 32nd?

Please please stop this conspiracy bull.


Now watch that video as it pans across you can see the strobe light flashing on or around the 4th floor. Someone was having a room party. This is before the shooting starts.

Conspiracy theories attract a certain dullard.
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Isis claimed responsibility & claim the bloke was one of there converts :eek:

Now watch that video as it pans across you can see the strobe light flashing on or around the 4th floor.
Wow, I never knew strobe lights at parties could be made to fire with exact synchronicity as automatic gunfire.. Forgive me Kranky.

I agree with motorbiking, the best way to reduce gun deaths is to ban guns.

Won't ever happen in the US, it's in their constitution. Keep in mind the primary purpose of carrying a weapon is to protect yourself, and to protect yourself from government tyranny (the police). I would expect you are more likely to die from police brutality in the US than from a mentally ill attacker. Sometimes both these go hand in hand haha.
Logically, I can't see it stopping. For one, it would take a fundamental change in the constitution, which i can't see happening.
For another, the whole point of the right to bear arms, is to enable an organised militia to oppose any tyranny by the government. While this is now considered an archaic relic of the late 1700s, I could well imagine the (well-organised, powerful, and influential) NRA opposing any attempt to effectively reduce that right, on the very basis that such regulation would be exactly what the second amendment was to protect against.
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It'll be a good 20 years at least before the American realise that their obsession with guns, is having a detrimental affect on it's inhabitants. Then again, maybe it'll take a little longer than that.
The only way things could change in America is to have a civil war.
But the banner wavers would have to arm themselves first and then be willing to lay down their lives for the gunless society cause and that's unlikely to happen.
Piers morgan went on a one man crusade a few years ago to try and change things. The NRA must have been cacking itself. lol
It seems that some folk believe everything they see & hear on their tellybox & internets . . . . So here's one just for them . . . "The Moon is made of cheese".
It'll be a good 20 years at least before the American realise that their obsession with guns, is having a detrimental affect on it's inhabitants
They have recently voted for Trump to be president. They are more stupid than you could possibly imagine.
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