Sounds like it's not just me then
I've thought of having a form that the customer signs prior to starting work, this would have small print on the back saying that there is no liability for anything that is beyond my control, this would solve problems where faults are going to occur due to bad installation etc etc. However I'd feel uncomfortable if I was the customer having to sign such a form.
I once worked for a customer who was a solicitor, he ended up hanging, drawing and quatering me because I only told him verbally that he needed certain items prior to fitting them. "When did you put it in writing?" was his way of conning me out of a load of money. After he threatened me with trading standards I decided that I'd never work for a solicitor again.
ditto mate the b*rstad did me for nearly 2 grand on a verbal agreement
Anyone got any good ideas on how to get revenge on such people?