Which cistern float valve?

trouble with these is the arms are to long for alot of the newer cisterns
and the jam on the side when the ball is fitted.
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Happygirls cistern pic...seems to be a cut off 5 litre plastic bottle?? Torbecks available from Bert and Queenies, Wickes or Screwfix etc. The plastic bag (blasphemous) :eek: is a polythene tube where the water silently enters the cistern, so as not to waken you from sweet slumber :cool: when someone flushes the loo. :)
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The plastic cut off thingy, since identified as a Hippo, does indeed appear to be a water saving contraption.

I don't have a Screwfix near me and their postage is high for one off items online. There is a B&Q and a Focus though; and Toolstation deliver for free once the order exceeds £10 which is superb.

Toolstation have a choice of

32033 Torbeck Adjustable Height Valve Bottom Entry £9.41 - which is the one with the highly durable looking sandwich bag that allows for restful sleep.

Or the
37311 Torbeck Adjustable Compact Valve Bottom Entry £8.24 - which is cheaper and a little prettier.

49144 10" Siamp Compact Bottom Inlet Valve 10" £10.88

25523 Delchem Adjustable Arm Valve 9.5" Bottom Entry £3.12 - nice and cheap but is it too long?

Or preferably I could spend the 30p and get the as yet unidentified washer changed.

Too many decisions :)
over all i would go for the fluidmaster or 32033
next would be 37311 then 25523 forget the siamp
Is this the right one?
Fluidmaster Bottom Entry Fill Valve UK ½"


it says Also available with a European 3/8" shank - how can I tell which one to get?
Will I need to buy anything else? like special washers?

this is in Screwfix - I'll see if anyone else has them locally.
32033 has it every time.....wot are you waiting for? Bert an' Queenies do 'em, adjustable in height, various pressure adjusting thingies which you can largely ignore, tapered rubber washer that fits in the bottom of the cistern without silicone, simple adjustment for the filling level....it doesn't get much better than this.....and as for the water saving hippo, in the hard up north east, we make do with a brick - which we claim on expenses. :D

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