What a great idea!
Let people work longer, so young people don't have a job to go into. Excellent!
An old fart bumbling about on his gimmy cart, does the job far more efficiently that a 16 yo, that can run about..
Who voted for this government? Oh Nobody. Therefore it's classed as a dictatorship. And needs bringing down. Hitler would be proud of the s**t we are in. The 4th reich is happening. In our own country. By an unelected leader. That creates unlawful wars. The population needs to rise against this.
Drunk again.
If you're drunk, then why post? or rather quote? Helps if you actually read what people write in a forum, rather than make sarcastic comments.
Lets examine my points - people working longer means less work for school leavers.
Old people tend to move slower than an athletic youth, so the elderly do the job slower.
The current govenment wasn't voted in by anyone.
We have been fighting an illegal war in Iraq.
Can you reply logically to any of these points, or are you the type to quote and run, 'drunk again' hic! fool. If the best you can do is post that rubbish, but ignore the points, whats the point of you being on a forum? Just post random quotes, with random answers? WHY?
I don't do item by item breakdowns of peoples posts very often. On this occasion I have decided to stick to that.
Having read and now reread your post, I still think you must have been drunk when you wrote it.
Try reading it again yourself when sober, I am sure you will see why I said what I said.