Who is attending Church on Easter Sunday?

Are you dismissing belief and christianity as a load of nonsense? Then why is it so different from any other belief which you have?
Do you have anything substantial to base any belief on?

The 1 question that nobody religious can ever answer is...

If there is 1 God, why are so many (all) religions disputing it and insisting there's is the only true 1? And then if its all about peace and living a correct life, why all the fighting?

The basic rules of a good life can happen without a crutch
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The date of the birth of the imaginary friend has been nailed down,
He was born on the 25th December. Everyone knows that. I think it's amazing how is conception, the pregnancy, etc was timed so perfectly that he was born on Christmas day.
That was almost a miracle.

That wasn't really God speaking, it was Giles Brandreth, now called Giles Bandwidth.
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He was born on the 25th December. Everyone knows that. I think it's amazing how is conception, the pregnancy, etc was timed so perfectly that he was born on Christmas day.
That was almost a miracle.
Or maybe there was an 'Caesar ean delivery' available back then?

Was the 'virgin' too posh to push?

And what are the chances of arranging a comet, let alone finding three wise men in that region?
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The UK is an atheist country with delusions of religion. I won't be attending.
Until somebody or something proves to me irrefutably that a diety actually exists then I 100% agree with Stephen Fry and I will not be attending any church for any reason.
The UK is an atheist country with delusions of religion. I won't be attending.
If it's an atheist country, how come UK elected representatives have to swear by an 'imaginary friend' in order to take office?

And how come other unelected representatives who are part of the ruling system are entitled to be there simply because they are senior members of the c of e?
Until somebody or something proves to me irrefutably that a diety actually exists then I 100% agree with Stephen Fry and I will not be attending any church for any reason.
Is a 'diety' a slimmed down form of religion?

But I think that Stephen Fry clip deserves another outing...

Pure Genius!

They don't, but whatever.
They do have a choice of oaths, but most swear "by Almighty God".
I... swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles, his heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.
Members who object to swearing the oath are permitted to make a solemn affirmation under the terms of the Oaths Act 1978:

I... do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles, his heirs and successors, according to law.
Churches will be packed with failed assilam seekers
Most churches welcome all comers. That's the religion effect.

Don't remember seeing any assilam seekers though. Maybe it's an old word for peace and harmony.
'god' or 'king', take your pick...

The 'king' is head of the c of e, so no difference in terms of the UK not being an atheist country!
Even die hard republicans will agree that there is a king, even if they don't agree he should exist.

There is too much religious presence in our government I agree, but that's because atheism is only just overtaking religion as a majority. It'll take time to get a consensus that it needs to be removed and even longer to expunge it.
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