Whoopie Goldberg and the Holocaust

The Nazis believed they were a race. It wasn't about your religious belief, converting to christianity would not stop them from gassing you. You were a Jew by birth and blood line.


So Ms. G got it entirely wrong.

Science and education has moved on, and we now know that there is only one 'race', the Human Race. We are all descended from the same origins, we all share the same DNA, etc.
The minor differences are down to evolution, us adapting our bodies to cope with the local conditions, it's not genetics, there has been no subdivision of different species. And from those local conditions and disparities different cultures and religions have developed. We now classify ourselves as different ethnicities, within the same 'race'.

You don't really believe that do you?
We share 98.8 percent of our DNA with bonobos and chimpanzees. Humans and gorillas share 98.4 percent of their DNA. Even Bananas have 60% of our DNA.

It has been recognised that there were multiple coexisting species of human. e.g.


Homo rudolfensis (left) and Homo habilis (right)
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From the little i know and have been taught, She was right in that the Holocaust wasn't about race.

Of course, you are not allowed an opinion on these matters so,

I find the reaction to this and her enforced apologies to be a very worrying continuation of the continued push by the left for censorship.

My understanding was that at heart, The Holocaust was in essence a personal vendetta by Hitler on German jews based on his jealousy of their success (from his personal experiences) and he used the jews as a vehicle to pin the woes of the ruined German state on for his political advantage.

I'm happy to be told otherwise but this is because i can sit behind the anonymity of the internet and talk about it.
My understanding was that at heart, The Holocaust was in essence a personal vendetta by Hitler on German jews based on his jealousy of their success
It wasn't just Hilter who had a vendetta against jews.
Hitler was the physical manifestation of a widespread perception amongst the German people that jews were a threat to society.
German anti semitism predated Hitler by centuries.
It wasn't just Hilter who had a vendetta against jews.
Hitler was the physical manifestation of a widespread perception amongst the German people that jews were a threat to society.
German anti semitism predated Hitler by centuries.

Right but it was Hitler who set fire to it.
From the little i know and have been taught, She was right in that the Holocaust wasn't about race.

You need to read post 16 by motorbiking, of course it was about race.

The Aryan blood line needed to be protected.
You need to read post 16 by motorbiking, of course it was about race.

The Aryan blood line needed to be protected.

But Holocaust was jew specific.
Or rather, thats the story i have been taught.
You need to read post 16 by motorbiking, of course it was about race.

The Aryan blood line needed to be protected.
Ironically the Israeli law of return is based on the Nuremberg laws.
What is that all about.
All this hysteria is manufactured.
The average man or woman in the street won't lose any sleep over what whoopie Goldberg is alleged to have said or didn't say.
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