Who's to blame?

2 Feb 2011
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United Kingdom
They have just announced on the news that the marine has been found guilty of battle field murder.

We take these young.men and train them to kill and then they witness their comrades being killed and blown up by an invisible enemy loosing their limbs and lives, then when they take one who has been wounded in battle is it any wonder that they behave in the manner they have?
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Cowardly government and mod selling the fodder down the river. Poor fookers are only there as targets, bring them home and fill the skies with drones.
I can well appreciate why that marine did what he did.

The government, of course, didn't see it that way. As far as they are concerned, soldiers killed or maimed by the enemy is just a consequence we must put up with. Our soldiers may not respond in kind because 'that would make us as bad as them' - that's the usual line trotted out by them, anyway.

Mind you, if I had been that marine I'd have made damned sure I'd turn off my helmet camera.
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He murdered someone. He got what he deserved. And was even dumb enough to get filmed doing it.
Marines are trained to follow orders - end of.

If this soldier did something that was 'out of line' then he broke the chain of command and is paying for it. Afghanistan is not an all out war, he had orders.
They broke the Geneva convention, they should suffer the consequences, they knew exactly what they were doing.

On the news they remarked how al qaeda would have a field day with this incident taking place, that it was a propaganda tool for them and to expect recriminations, what I would like to know is HOW THE EFIN EL did it come to be in the news in the first place! The way I see it, it should have been quashed within the platoon or battalion or whatever the unit is called, why did every Tom, Dick and Mohamed need to know what had happened! If there are reprisals, I blame the commanding officer for letting it get off the barracks!
If there are reprisals, I blame the commanding officer for letting it get off the barracks!
If there are reprisals, I blame the stupid marine for committing a murder.

I think I heard them say there had been a battle in which two or three of his fellow marines had lost their lives, this enemy had been wounded, if they had taken him back I think the chances are that he would have received medical aid, nursed back to health and then in a few months or so he would have been back on the battle field killing more of our armed forces.

The marines are trained to kill by our government, in the heat of war I would like to know how you would react if you lost a couple of mates.
How often I ask myself does this sort of thing take place that we never hear about? Was the marine suffering from stress disorder? When he is sentenced, I hope he is not punished for his actions but given the aid he obviously requires, IMO.
I wonder what happens to injured insurgents captured alive though? Probably as Pred says, they get treated (dunno if they get released to fight again though). But probably bang in compensation claims , against the UK Government (eventually)
As usual it is the atheists saying "Gwon shoot him, well done".

No moral compass, just a rabble of armchair murderers.
I wonder what happens to injured insurgents captured alive though? Probably as Pred says, they get treated (dunno if they get released to fight again though). But probably bang in compensation claims , against the UK Government (eventually)

This is why the soldier mentioned the Geneva convention.

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