Whose got the biggest....

I ignore four people. :

Number One - has asked me to go away on more than one occasion and has stated that he has no interest whatsoever in any of my posts. For this reason and this reason only, he became the first person on my ignore list.

Number Two - should be on a soap-box or pantomime rather than a forum. His "he wont", "he cant" etc, together with his tunnel vision attitude towards immigrants, I can well do without.

Number Three - Rightly or wrongly, I find that this poster reminds me constantly of Number One and I have often thought that they are one in the same person.. Consequently, when he dared me to ignore him, I did so willingly.

Number Four - Is on my list because quite frankly I find him rude and lacking in good manners. I wouldn't tolerate him ordinarily, so why should I do so on this forum?
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