Please PLEASE can we stay in the single market?
All points accepted Noesall, but oddly enough, we aren't afraid of free movement of people, as long as it's under our control, not the EUs.
We'll very likely have to agree a payment to stay in the single market, and no one really disputes that, but it'll be a lot less that we currently do.
And we'll happily honour all the rights that EU citizens had prior to Brexit, but only after they've been here for 5 years, so we can get rid of those who are sponging, and we won't attract just the economic migrants that are just after benefits.
And as we helped draft most of the ECHR laws, of course we'll continue to uphold them, but we won't be overidden by the ECJ anymore, and we'll have the right to get rid of undesirables.
Both Bernier and Davis are posturing, and they'll find a reasonable compromise that no one likes, but everyone hails victory for their side. And that's politics for you.