Why does other member's bad behaviour result in me being excluded from the threads?

But you didn't refer to any specific individuals. You referred to posts "a few weeks ago"
View attachment 356132
I've been posting now for over 10 weeks, I'd say that covers "a few weeks". So be specific, and present some examples to justify your false allegations.
When I asked you for examples to support your allegations of Jew-hating comments, I was excluded from the thread, very convenient for you to ignore the request, what?
Without any evidence, your allegations are demonstrably outrageous and mendacious.

You either rarely respond to my comments because I scrutinise your posts, and invariably prove your claims to be nonsense and ill-informed.
Or you come out with the old trope, "Read the Act", etc., when reading the Act and quoting parts of it, also proves your claims to be false.
And on other occasions I am mysteriously prevented from posting any further in the relevant thread.
I'd also say, that if that is the reason for excluding me from threads, it's a gross abuse of moderator's authority.
And your willingness to resort to abuse is noted:

A bloke called Roy Bloom posted that 'the Israeli's had it coming' referring to the October 7th atrocity.

The thread was subsequently deleted, possibly because of the anti jew content, more likely that the debate got quite heated and also it put the owners of the site on shaky ground legally for hosting what was clearly, by any legal definition, hatred toward Jews.
Impossible to prove now as the thread has been deleted but it was seen by a number of people, and we know that you are/were Roy Bloom.
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A bloke called Roy Bloom posted that 'the Israeli's had it coming' referring to the October 7th atrocity.
You've made this allegation before, and I've asked you to present the evidence.
You've claimed you can't.
Therefore your allegation is pure speculation, based on your interpretation of other's comments.
If I remember correctly, I repeatedly asked you to provide the evidence, your comments, and mine were deleted, and I was excluded from the thread.
That was extremely convenient for you. :rolleyes:
I see that Roy Bloom's posts exist, and that he/she made exactly the same points as I did.
So any claim that his/her posts have been deleted is highly doubtful.

The thread was subsequently deleted, possibly because of the anti jew content,
Or it never existed in reality, only in your warped imagination. :rolleyes:
Anything and everything would be anti-Jew in your opinion. :rolleyes:

more likely that the debate got quite heated and also it put the owners of the site on shaky ground legally for hosting what was clearly, by any legal definition, hatred toward Jews.
That is your opinion, and nothing more.
The same result would exist if the comments were never made. :rolleyes:

Impossible to prove now as the thread has been deleted but it was seen by a number of people,
Conveniently, you claim it's been deleted. If it never existed in the first place, and/or the comments were never made, the actual reality would be identical. :rolleyes:

and we know that you are/were Roy Bloom.
The legend lives on. :ROFLMAO:
I see that previous posters have had trouble with motorbiking and fillyboy making unsupported, unproven allegations.
obviously their mendacious behaviour continues, unabated.
Similarly, once you remove your false allegations, untrue claims of previously posted evidence, vague references to imaginary media articles, and fantasies about helicopters, there's nothing left.
Because they have no rational argument, so the only argument left to them is false allegations, with not a shred of evidence presented. :rolleyes:

Their behaviour is very Trumpian, They tell their lies so many times they begin to believe them. :ROFLMAO:
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I see that previous posters have had trouble with motorbiking and fillyboy making unsupported, unproven allegations.
obviously their mendacious behaviour continues, unabated.

Their behaviour is very Trumpian, They tell their lies so many times they begin to believe them. :ROFLMAO:

Are you talking about yourself or your previous interaction? For a change it’s not just Dumb and Dumber who are confused.