They were?It's odd that the anti Trump brigade were warning of a third world war if the Donald was re-elected
Remind us again, when he takes power....?
They were?It's odd that the anti Trump brigade were warning of a third world war if the Donald was re-elected
They stopped refining weapons grade uranium...allegedly. They say it's all for their energy sector.When did they stop?
That'll be the good folks in charge of the military etc. Remember, those people that kept the Orange Idiot away from the nuclear codes etc, when he was going on his deranged stolen election rampage.the anti Trump brigade
Filly seems to think Trump is power now, lol.Trump said he will sign the executive order on 20 January, his first day in office
No they werentIt's odd that the anti Trump brigade were warning of a third world war if the Donald was re-elected
They’ve only a range of 180 miles, so not very deep then at allwith permission to fire them deep inside Russia
They’ve only a range of 180 miles, so not very deep then at all
And they haven’t got permission to use them anywhere.
You are clueless
"permission to fire them deep into Russia" say Filly
"permission to fire them deep into Russia" say Filly
no wonder Filly likes Trump, Farage, Johnson, brexit the poor lad is an easy target
ATCMS has a range of 186miles
Russia is 5,600 miles wide
shall we have a look at the map and see
Pundits reckone that Russia had already pulled stuff back further inland.
you can post BS as much as you like, the facts are what they are.The attack marks the first time Ukraine has used the longer-range American weapons to strike targets deep inside Russia, and shows that Kyiv has wasted little time in making use of its newly-granted powers.