It's not a normal or a typical part of human behaviour to ingest harmful substances that are disgusting to smell or taste and have zero benefit upon the consumer . When you consider that it massively increases the chances of death and disease, it's totally bonkers - until you throw the drug nicotine into the mix, that is.
I've been on both sides of the fence so can understand both views.
I used to think I enjoyed it. But, having given up, I now know what I didn't then, which is that the only enjoyment is the relief of the cravings that build up as a result of being addicted. It's a false pleasure brought on by the way that nicotine controls the brain.
That pleasure you think you get after smoking is actually just a brief glimpse of the way that non-smokers feel all the time, as their brains are not being controlled by a highly addictive drug. Then shortly after the cravings get stronger until you get your next fix.
I wouldn't ever mock or rubbish someone who's addicted to something. It's a very real thing, the drug or habit controls the thinking process itself. From their perspective it all makes sense.