well lets stop all this inncorrect mumbo jumbo...
there is good news,
during the latest ARGI agm ,(location which was a place kindly lent to us by a renewables training school, called, Ecoskies,) we invited them during the day to please give us, a presentation on the current state of renewables.
stop all the whinging and calculated pay back viability and listen.
this country, partially due to global positioning and our own ineptitude, we will produce too large a carbon foot print.
now, the goverment know this and due global commitments entered into.
If we dont meet the criteria by a certain date, this nation will be fined billions of pounds.
now with this fact in mind...
the goverment announces an innitiative to build new nuclear power stations.
sorry the first wont be on line for 10-15yrs.
now what? we get fined anyway.
there is a new innitiative being rolled out, off load the renewables onto the domestic home owners.
the scheme will operate like this,
there will a register of duly qualified installers, you will, when use one of these installers,will be entitled to large grant, dependant on what your installing, figures of £2,400 for solar for example.
then and this the corker...
all energy you produce, wil lbe metered.
dependant on the method and tarrif, this will earn you between 16-32p per unit