Wind Turbines

really centrica said it was 1% of the countries capacity on a cold day would you also like to put a link to that

"However, on a winter cold day, when there's more demand, the reserves could be enough only to meet 1 per cent of gas demand, it admitted"

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I believe you are sincere, i.e. you truly believe what you say about covid (and other such popular delusions).

So no mention of
our low emission electricity is too expensive and have moved production to China which has cheap, coal fired electric.
That is why links are important. It reveals your lying and deception.

Oh, and don't believe the MSM.
Wind turbines are frighteningly expensive, they are responsible for a large part of the increases in our bills. The free power from them is a myth - if we are to keep them we must accept permanently expensive power.

How long does it take for one to "pay for itself" ?

Pure nonsense from andy.
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Even if we double our 1.37%, it's still bugger all.
There is an article around concerning UK gas storage, ;) Not going to look for it again but it was pretty specific. One factor a lot less storage than other countries use. It had been at higher levels but reduced to save on maintenance costs. A commercial decision. Normally there are supply rate and strategic considerations. Strategic because things can break and stop working as they should also they can after a fashion be used to iron out gas price variations. Not needing the stuff in a hurry. That has influenced what the UK has had to pay. Bid top whack to get it.

Suppose it's logical really. If a country is a producer and produces as much as it needs not much storage is needed. We were such a country.

There are some interesting charts in this

One shows that in 1990 primary energy usage from gas was 24%. In 2021 that had risen to 42.8%. Oil usage has fallen a bit. Coal was 31,3% now 3.4%. Others mostly nuclear has risen from 8.3% to 11.2%. Also an increase with biomass / waste. Renewables looked at like this scarcely figure.

42.8% is a hell of a lot to replace. All we hear is gee this can power so many homes.
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I'll add a bit more. Oil was 36.1% and now 32.1%. That needs replacing as well.
But see page 28 of the document.
Not really relevent in terms of what I was pointing out. Some prime energy sources need to be replaced. With what?

Currently we do not use anywhere near as much electricity as we are going to need. Power so many homes is an interesting one - what size boiler is fitted? Can their electrical mains take the load?
The main one isn't mentioned. Business runs the world really in areas such as jobs etc and where things are "done".
I'm not quite sure what that means but yes, businesses have reasons for doing things the way they do. They generally want to increase output/profits whatever way they can. It tends not to be because we are ruled by lizard people.
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