Wind Turbines

Wind making more than four times as much electricity as gas just now.
(11.4 GW vs. 2.8GW)
Nukes are 4.3

Even solar was making around 4GW over lunchtime.

Reducing import of fossil fuels, and the cost and environmental damage associated with them.
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Not that Joe public benefits from any windy cost saving, with all the electric cost to him based on gas. So as long as there's 1% gas used, HMG (in a way I haven't seen a complete answer to) gets a load of money from the consumer.

This time last year, Boris & mob said a huge expansion of green energy was planned. Dogger Bbank wind farm is apparently being built. (Not sure if there are more). Pity it'll be owned jointly by Scottish Power(owned by Spain), and Equinor(owned by Norway)
OK we're extending the life of 2 nuke stations (Heysham 1 and Hartlepool) til '26, but 3 are closing. We've also just recently fired up two mothballed coal fired stations.

When does this country start investing in itself? France, Spain, USA, Norway, Denmark, Canada, Germany and the rest are all getting their nice profit from Brits keeping warm.
When does this country start investing in itself? France, Spain, USA, Norway, Denmark, Canada, Germany and the rest are all getting their nice profit from Brits keeping warm.

When we elect a government that will have a national energy company.

"Great British Energy."

Might not be long, now.
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If it isn't against the rules then, like MPs' expenses, the rules are wrong.

Is it an accident that they have been designed to let big business hold the nation to ransom?

"Both the government and the opposition have called for an investigation into the suggestion, made in an investigation by Bloomberg News, that certain traders at firms including Vitol, Uniper and SSE said they would shut down power plants ahead of periods of tight supply, only to revive them and produce more expensive power for the UK national grid via the “balancing mechanism” used to prevent blackouts.

This strategy — known as an off-on manoeuvre — is not new. Soaring balancing mechanism costs since prices started rising in 2021 were already causing alarm. National Grid ESO, which runs the electricity system, in November 2021 noted some “very high cost days” — the price is ultimately paid in customer bills — and launched a review. It also isn’t against the rules.

Power plants shut down for all sorts of reasons, even at short notice. Regulator Ofgem has characterised it as “sharp” practice, rather than anything stronger.

But its February consultation on adding a licence condition “prohibiting electricity generators from gaining excessive benefit from inflexible offers in the balancing mechanism” suggests that it believes some market participants have been reaping windfalls in recent years by gaming the current system."
Enron did loads of that in California. It's how they managed to hide their mammoth losses from all their failing business units for so long.
You don't have to be columbo to work it out.
On 30th jan JD was crowing how much electric the turbines were using, go through February and see how many times he pops up to tell us the same.

Nobody has yet come up with the figure for wind generation as a percentage of a whole year's generation. I've asked nicely a couple of times.
Wind is currently generating more than twice as much as gas, and almost twice as much as nukes. Good.

Perhaps andy is trying to make some kind of point. No idea what it is.

Neither have I.

11.6p/kWh . :mad:
If you want a good visualisation of wind generation this is an interesting one:

Today is not very windy, but still generating 24% of UK needs. Which is more than gas, and is much more than nukes.

The sun is out, and Solar is currently around 21%, a bit more than gas. Hooray.
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