Wind Turbines

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Looks like the gas market sets a percentage of the electricity price however it's generated.

So if you have 99% " free" wind power (the ofgem site says it's free so it must be true) and 1% gdawful expensive gas market in there, who gets the money?

(My leccy is all green, so I'll just have the free stuff, thanks?)

I see that the PLAN is to include
"de-coupling costly global fossil fuel prices from electricity produced by cheaper renewables, a step to help ensure consumers are seeing cheaper prices as a result of lower-cost clean energy sources"

This at ofgem explains to an extent but is old.
They are either asleep or they are stupid.

Stupid people think everyone else is equally as stupid as they are. So they go about their business blissfully unaware that most people have placed them in the stupid pocket & treat them accordingly.

We like to be nice to you & accommodate your failings, pretty much like how we have never called the downs syndrome "spags" because only your MSM ever did that.

Now we have the internetty's. A place where stupid people meet other stupids & try to out stupid them !

Like bad drivers, I've only ever met one person who would readily admit that he was stupid. There is a level of stupidity that dictates whether or not they can ID themselves as stupid.

And then there is Brigade77 & their Mk1 AI forum response tool, which may or may not be entirely funded by the CIA. Nothing seems to make sense unless you can tie it to a CIA psyop.

There you go chaps, all the quotes you need to enjoy the rest of your evenings.
Why does "questioning" something that might go against the narrative so easily raise all the same non productive comments???
For me it doesn't, questioning with a reasoning/evidence why is good. That evidence could be whatever floats your boat.

But just "saying things" cause you're right makes no sense whatsoever. Do you blindly believe what you are told by the internetty's or someone down t'pub?
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For me it doesn't, questioning with a reasoning/evidence why is good. That evidence could be whatever floats your boat.

But just "saying things" cause you're right makes no sense whatsoever. Do you blindly believe what you are told by the internetty's or someone down t'pub?
Just FO. Your sock has absolutely ZERO respect 'round 'ere & the only thing that upsets me to prompt a response is that someone might stumble across your nonsense on a Google search & act upon your nonsense.
Looks like the gas market sets a percentage of the electricity price however it's generated.

So if you have 99% " free" wind power (the ofgem site says it's free so it must be true) and 1% gdawful expensive gas market in there, who gets the money?

(My leccy is all green, so I'll just have the free stuff, thanks?)
Then everyone, even the ones that would be happy to sell for much much less get paid the high gas price. Except for anything on CfD.
act upon your nonsense.
Yea, evidence for a particular worldview is nonsense. We should all just bow down to Dork Lard Tik Tok's views and be grateful for his presence. Troll...
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Yea, evidence for a particular worldview is nonsense. We should all just bow down to Dork Lard Tik Tok's view's and be grateful for his presences. Troll...
There you go chaps, all the quotes you need to enjoy the rest of your evenings.
Try not to lower yourself even further in everyones opinion JohnD'ski. Do some homework & FFS stop being the anally retentive banal persona that you currently project.

The economics of deep mined coal & offshore wind farms are immensely different, yet the end product seems to cost exactly the same.

You are asleep, wake up.
Shovelling vague and unsubstantiated rumours around does not give you the right to demand that someone researches for you. Your trolling attempts are not new.
Well, there's a surprise....

I don’t know what startling revelation you think you are presenting, apart from that oil producers prefer oil power to wind power.

Did you read the article? The linked document is really interesting technically, all about inertia in the national grid - something taken for granted in conventional power generation but which has to be created separately and added to the grid for wind and solar.
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I don’t know what startling revelation you think you presenting, apart from that oil producers prefer oil power to wind power.

Did you read the article? The linked document is really interesting technically, all about inertia in the national grid - something taken for granted in conventional power generation but which has to be created separately and added to the grid for wind and solar.
Old news, literally old news as it was a big deal about five years ago. The the big Hornsdale battery came on line and it became obvious it wasn't going to be an issue.

Current generation Wind farms now do synthetic inertia as standard. It was an optional extra back in 2011
The party "Reform UK" have an energy plan that seems sensible:

Key Point: We have vast resources of energy treasure in UK under our feet and under our seas - owned by us all
It's certainly 'Bold' as in Liz Truss levels of bold, or maybe Hugo Chavez levels.

It's nonsense of course. Anyone who suggests Small Modular Reactors will be online and available in bulk in the next decade is delusional. Plus nationalising all the North sea production facilities will not be a smooth process.
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I just noticed that Windfarms are currently producing 55% of UK electricity demand.

It's wonderful.

Every kWh from wind is a heap of gas not burned, leaving more money in the nation's pocket, and (by reducing world hydrocarbon demand) a bit less in Putin's.
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