Wiring for hive active heating

Oh dear!:( Yeah I’ll sort it out once I got the Hive I ordered this week and change the loop wire to brown. By the way Stem, you’ve mentioned the green/yellow wire should be used for earth but from the OP photo the green/yellow wire (with a brown sleeve) was put on terminal 3 (heating on) on the hive single channel receiver, am I going to do the same putting the green/yellow wire on terminal 3 instead thru earth?
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Green / yellow wires should ideally only be used for earth connections.

In your case a green /yellow wire is being used as a live wire, someone who doesn't know this may come along in the future and because of its colour may think it actually is an earth wire. [This is actually what the OP did originally even though it had a brown sleeve on, which is exactly why it's not a good idea to use a green / yellow wire for anything other than an earth]

The OP's green / yellow wire does have a brown sleeve on to show it is being used as a live wire. It's not ideal, but better than nothing.

You don't actually have a real earth connection present to connect to earth, so it's a good job the Hive is double insulated and so doesn't need an earth connection.
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So to summarize:

•BDR91 (N) to Hive (N)
•BDR91 (L) to Hive (L)
•BDR91 (linking L and A) to Hive (linking L and 1)
•BDR91 (B) to Hive (3)

All very similar to the OP. Is that right Stem?:)
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Many thanks for your valuable time, helpful and good advice Stem! I’ll share and update you soon once I installed the Hive. (y)
All done! Everything’s fine. Thanks again for your help Stem(y)


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This is my original thermostat.Wired exactly as it was when I took the cover off is the following image correct for my single channel hive receiver?

When I turn it back on with the receiver attached I get nothing. No light on the receiver nothing at all.
You need to start your own post , it is against site rules ti hi-jack an existing post and you wont get the correct information
@ianmcd is correct about the rules. However, I see you haven't started a new thread yet, so I have 2 suggestions for you to try:

1. Is there a timeswitch / programmer somewhere, that controlled the old thermostat? If so, that will need to be set to be permanently on 24/7 otherwise it will switch off the Hive.

2. As the blue wire (N) wasn't connected to the original thermostat it may not be connected to anything at the other end so that needs checking. Whilst the old analogue stat would work (albeit inaccurately) without the the N. The Hive needs it to work at all.

If after trying the above, it still doesn't work, then as suggested post your own new thread. BTW, the wires (apart from the earth :unsure:) are where I would expect them to be for a single channel Hive.

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