Just to add, it might be not starting because the spindle is stiff. There should be a screwdriver slot/cross underneath the pump bleed screw, it should turn quite freely with a screwdriver.
Well I've just fitted the new capacitor from Maplin and so far it's looking perfect. I've turned the HW and CH on about 30 times and every time the motor spins into life.
I'll monitor it and see how it goes over the course of a few days but so far things are looking good.
For anyone else looking to do similar the Maplins capacitor isn't a perfect match to the original but it's pretty close. It has the same 25mm diameter body as the original but it has a ridge at the bottom that is probably 27mm and the overall length is about 8mm longer than the original one.
This makes it a tight fit but it does fit in the box and the lid just closes so it's properly sealed.
Brilliant thread guys, I,ve been getting the same noises from my boiler to the point where it would switch itself off and need rebooting with the reset button. After scouring the Internet for days I eventually found this thread, changed the pump (which comes with a new capacitor) and the boilers as good as new.
Thanks very much for the info it's much appreciated.
Diynot is now saved to my favourites. Cheers..
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