Work Colleague or Friend?

Forgot to add Diane2 as a friend here. Intelligent, good looking. Has no need to swear to get her point across.
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Me I'd like me as a friend :D but I already am.

other forum users...

Not here I'm afraid.

I did have a great interest in motorsport and I used to frequent a forum related to motorsport and they arranged meets at motor racing events. From that I actually met a few local people who actually became real friends. In fact we have all been friends for ten years now and the extended friend circle means we have actually been on seven skiing holidays as a group of up to 19 over the last six years. We also do several Real Ale trail related events on a regular basis as well.

All male though my wifey would not like me meeting femmes over the internet for obvious reasons so I usually have to bash them away with a big stick..:D
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Theres one contributor on here who hasnt (as yet) posted on this thead who's best friend has got to be his right hand and his litter tray
Do you know what... Associated Ar5e comes on here having been banned as Alarm (who has no concern for kids getting run over), then comes back as AA, who's offended by rude words, and then suddenly reverts to type !!!

This guy is the sort you lot should avoid... and by that i mean... go get a life that's not DIYnot...... i treat this place as an episode of a sitcom... some of you actually live in the sitcom... and it is a comedy belive me !!! :rolleyes:
Part of the idea behind this thread was to find out how you viewed your work colleagues/friends.
i.e. Do you get on with them? Can't stand them or can't get by without them etc.
Its the type of thread that can easily be expanded upon without really straying off topic.

yeah i understand what the thread is about.. and i chose to respond, to this bit

Who from DIYNot would you like to have as a friend?
which is not straying off topic.... unlike Sooey.. who you don't seem to pick up !!! :rolleyes:

You are obviously obsessed with me for some weird reason. Tell the truth, do you go to bed and have nightmares about big bogeyman sooey? :rolleyes:
Part of the idea behind this thread was to find out how you viewed your work colleagues/friends.
i.e. Do you get on with them? Can't stand them or can't get by without them etc.
Its the type of thread that can easily be expanded upon without really straying off topic.

yeah i understand what the thread is about.. and i chose to respond, to this bit

Who from DIYNot would you like to have as a friend?
which is not straying off topic.... unlike Sooey.. who you don't seem to pick up !!! :rolleyes:

You are obviously obsessed with me for some weird reason. Tell the truth, do you go to bed and have nightmares about big bogeyman sooey? :rolleyes:

oh yeah baby !!! totally obsessed by an idiot who conducts themself like a schoolground bully, but on an internet (anonymous) forum...

i see this GD site like clipping my nails, or putting out the wheelie bin..... some of you wake up breathing DIYnot GD !!!!!! get a life sooey !! :rolleyes:
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