Would a kink in cat5e solid core cable have an effect

btw i just realised that the new cable is stranded unlike the ftp cable which was solid core. My mate said it should make a difference

Also the cable i got at the suppliers never mentioned Cat5e, just cat5

even on the box it says Level 5/category 5 and mentions Data Grade a lot.

On the cable itself it says cat5e though. Is there somethin wrong here or is it really cat5e
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stranded is for patch leads only, structured cabling should be solid core.
Could it be used for the time being though. If it does the job at least for around 4-5 months id be happy enough as i will replace it with some ftp cable later anyway so all components shall be of the same grade
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stranded cable will not termainate reliablly on the punchdown blocks typically used on wall ports and patch panels. If you must use it make sure you terminate it with plugs and make sure you buy plugs designed for stranded cable.

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