I think I could use a blog... Could anyone enlighten me?
I'm a Teaching Assistant - volunteer. As such it would be useful to be able to communicate with the kids in a way which is
1) closed to the general public
2) Open to other teachers, the other kids in the group, and parents.
They could all share a common password, but if it got out it could be a snag, so maybe each user's could be something like the school's postcode plus the first three letters of their username, or something.
The idea would be that I can publish notes on the materials they have, and they can ask questions. Everyone should see the Q's and A's.
I'd need to be able to post pictures. If I could use it to host other types of data file, so much the better - ?
Highly Desirable but not mandatory - would be that there would be NO MEANS to start a private communication between any of the users of the blog.
People would have to be invited, or request access with a username but that should not be their real name or show their email address.
I assume a kid could log in using their parents' email address, (without having access to all their parents' emails!)
I've got a stack of other things to learn about, so I don't want a big learning curve.
The school may have their own facilities, but I want something not dependent on the school, for other students.
The above is the minimum I'd want it to be able to do. Tiered access would be great but probably too complicated.
Mattylad, could I have a look at your blog?
Maybe I could set up Goole Drive or something to do a similar function, I don't know much about it yet.