I'll try again without saying anything the mods will wet their panties over. If you bothered to read my question, you would see that the pallets arrived in Europe on the 29th of March, all nice and above board, next day, 30th March, what will happen to the pallets? , that is all I am asking, think you can comprehend that?
It's like sammy and sodthisforfun claiming they have asked a question, which they keep repeating.
They haven't realised that they are not asking a question, it is more like an interrogation, repeating the same question over and over again until they get the answer they want.
President Bush to Columbian terrorist, "Who flew the planes?"
Terrorist, "I don't know!"
President Bush, "Who flew the planes?"
Terrorist, "I don't know!"
President Bush, "Who flew the planes?"
Terrorist, "I don't know!"
President Bush, "Who flew the planes?"
Terrorist, "Some other terrorists"
President Bush, "Who flew the planes?"
Terrorist, "Some Palestinians?"
President Bush, "Who flew the planes?"
Terrorist, "Some Arabs?"
President Bush, "Who flew the planes?"
Terrorist, "Some Iraquis?"
President Bush, "Thank you. See you knew all along. Right chaps, to war!"