Xmas no 1

wow... so democracy DOES work....?

lets try the human rights act now.. (can someone do the facebook thing?)... and then we'll start on Brown next!!!!
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to imagine anyone actually has sat and watched it, thats embarressing enough, surely :oops:

to comment, by default just simpley compounds it :confused: :confused: :confused: :eek:
where's cliff when you need him ;)

I thought I was the only one... I don't like his music, but I would have bought a copy of anything he released in the last month if it got him his no.1 in the sixth consecutive decade since the 1950s :D

So glad that the "Strictly Come X-Star, Get Me Out of Big Brother" single didn't win! Perhaps Cowell can now pull his trousers up a little farther and retire somewhere far, far away. :LOL:
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wow... so democracy DOES work....?

lets try the human rights act now.. (can someone do the facebook thing?)... and then we'll start on Brown next!!!!

Why not? This facebook group got 500,000 people to download the RATM song - a song that would otherwise still be lost in the archives of the charts - it originally peaked at no23 or something back in '93. Purely by making this group, they have persuaded HALF A MILLION people to spend money downloading this song.

So why not political campaigns? Can we convince 500,000 people to write to the PM on issues that matter? Perhaps draft a letter on facebook for people to copy for the cause in question? Would cost them even less than the song campaign - cost of a stamp, envelope, ink and A4 sheet of paper. 50p.

Many people (particularly young 'uns) dont realise that they CAN make a difference to the way this country is run by speaking / writing en-mass to the people that matter. Facebook has just proven itself to be the perfect medium for this.

Also, only 5% of the number of people that watched the X factor final actually downloaded a copy of the winning song. :LOL:
Yes. This must be one of the first examples of people power making a difference (however seemingly insignificant) using the power of the internet.

Check out www.avaaz.org they are trying to do the same thing except on a global scale and focusing on the big issues.

I signed an online petition 15 million strong last week. Now the politicians have to pretend to listen. If it reaches 100's of millions they will really have to take notice!
Being someone who loves a conspiracy theory........ something doesn't seem right here.......
Would it be completely out of the question to think ....This whole facebook RATM scenario is not only boll*x ....but in fact.......... been 'manufactured' for the benefit of associated companies of Simon Cowell. :?: :?: :?:
Stranger things have happened.........
They left out a verse......

You´re a bum you´re a punk
You´re an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed
You scumbag you maggot
You cheap lousy faggot
Happy christmas your arse I pray god it´s our last.
Being someone who loves a conspiracy theory........ something doesn't seem right here.......
Would it be completely out of the question to think ....This whole facebook RATM scenario is not only boll*x ....but in fact.......... been 'manufactured' for the benefit of associated companies of Simon Cowell. :?: :?: :?:
Stranger things have happened.........


Well, Im behind this Christmas song for 2010... www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMAixgo_zJ4 us kids growing up the 80's loved it! No swearing, and Gordon Jackson & Jean Marsh. :D Just great stuff and my little girl sings it all day long.
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