Yaris: Replacing drive-belt issue

6 Sep 2004
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United Kingdom
Hi guys

Would anyone have any recommendations for this seemingly minor problem? I am trying to replace the auxiliary drive-belt on a Toyota Yaris 2002. The pivot bolt underneath the alternator has been completely slackened as has the lockbolt on the adjuster mechanism but despite this no movement of anything. As you can see the whole area has been doused in release oil to aid removal but remain pretty perplexed as to why there is zilch movement. I have tried tapping with a rubber mallet and levering with a piece of timber but absolutely no joy. Any ideas gratefully received?

Alternator from top annotated.jpg Alternator from bottom annotated.jpg
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I certainly am turning the adjusting bolt - both ways - but can detect not a smidgin of movement on alternator.
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Curious! I would have thought if you turned the long bolt anticlock a good few times, you should be able to heave the alternator up against the slack.
Its a pretty common system!
John :)