I didn't say racism served us well, don't be disgusting.Do you honestly and seriously believe that racism is caused by a fear of the unknown, a fear of outsiders?
That racism is a natural ideology that we are born with as a defensive mechanism? Therefore, we need to be taught not to be racist to overcome our natural instinct?
That racism serves us well?
Racism is fear and ignorance.
We are inbuilt with a fear of the unknown.
The two are NOT completely separate.
Parent's don't, on a whole, sit down and teach little kiddies to be racist. There is far FAR more to it. Yes, we do need to teach people not to be racist, prejudice or whatever. We need to overcome that because although racism is learned in various subtle ways (like bringing up children only with your peers), everyone has an inbuilt inclination towards learning to fear other people who are different to us. This, as well as ignorance are part of why racism thrives so easily when it shouldn't, especially in this day and age. Don't forget that racism occurs over the whole world, people of all skin colours and backgrounds. It's not a white problem only.