Yet more islamic peadophillia . . .

SS. Is that true your dad taught in far flung schools? If so did you get to Singapore?


That's spooky.

He taught in Kuching and me and my sis went out to stay there. Flying home, we stopped over in Singapore.

But we hardly saw him. We were looked after by wife # 2.

You didn't live out there then?
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Think about where the blame really lies.

Well the Police have to shoulder some of the blame.
You became 'thought Police' and were ready to pounce and still are the second any perceived event or word caused 'Offence' under hate crime laws.

Ironic really that most of the time the people supposedly 'offended' were not offended at all and actually said that the Police actions would be devisive and only serve to widen tensions.

What we have now is a divided society with even MORE deep rooted suspicions about each other than before.
Why? Because in order to avoid accusations of racism it's actually easier to shy away and not have any contact.

But don't you think that this comes from above? I can't imagine that the plods on the beat or any of the police that you actually see in public would wish to do this. I suspect that they are only following orders issued by out of touch senior managers and, of course, the government.
I've tried telling him countless times. He won't have it.
But Jockscott, even looking past the governments obvious blame, it goes deeper than that.

Some people seem to find it easier to blame the Police, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker. It's all nonsense.

Ultimately it's our own people that have sat back and not cared.

It's all far too late now though, that's why the blame is being thrown in ridiculous directions.
On another thread I did mention the "Silent Majority" who are content to sit back and say nothing. Thing is LMB, It's not the silent majority who actually make the rules. It's the silent majority who obey the rules. It's the silent majority who let government, govern. So it's not really the people who have sat back and let this happen/ We cannot take the law into our own hands to change things......... Or can we? Do you think we should now rise against the government ? Do you think the majority of people would dare to take such action?
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You'll never cure securespark. As he said in his post - he's been brainwashed from an early age (even though he denied it last week). :rolleyes:
Think about where the blame really lies.

Well the Police have to shoulder some of the blame.
You became 'thought Police' and were ready to pounce and still are the second any perceived event or word caused 'Offence' under hate crime laws.

Ironic really that most of the time the people supposedly 'offended' were not offended at all and actually said that the Police actions would be devisive and only serve to widen tensions.

What we have now is a divided society with even MORE deep rooted suspicions about each other than before.
Why? Because in order to avoid accusations of racism it's actually easier to shy away and not have any contact.

But don't you think that this comes from above? I can't imagine that the plods on the beat or any of the police that you actually see in public would wish to do this. I suspect that they are only following orders issued by out of touch senior managers and, of course, the government.
I've tried telling him countless times. He won't have it.

It doesn't matter whether it comes from above or not it is still the actions of the Police. Every day you have a decision to take regarding your resources. Are you going to put man hours into the recent increased burglaries in the area or are you going to target shoplifting or are you going to follow up reports of hateful comments on twitter?

Well here is the thing. Many people have been pulled up for hateful comments on twitter but strangely mostly if they are white people making racist comments. The EDL leader gets violent death threats all the time but the Police have no interest at all in following up those crimes.

Even when you are following policies you are doing it in such a way that you only make things worse. You do not apply the law equally.
Last magic bean . . . The people have not sat back and done nothing thats just ridiculous. The people have been speaking and they have either been ignored by the politicians or the media or arrested by yourselves.
How many hate 'crime' offences are on your books and you say people have just sat back. Dont be silly.

Take the euro in out referendum. Everyone knows the pubic wants to vote on this but it keeps getting kicked into the long grass time after time.

pressure will build up

After Lee Rigby was killed what did the Police do?

Monitored twitter and facebook for racist comments.
Two white guys arrested for threatening to attack Mosques.

Any arrests for Muslims inciting racial hatred for saying Lee Rigby deserved it and will be going to hell?

Let me answer that for you.... Nope.

The silent majority also sent time calling the police when their daughters were being raped and abused by Muslim gangs.

Who ignored them? You did.

The truth is the legal system has become too complicated and it should be pared right back down to basics. Take a leaf from the Ten Commandments.

The Copper on the street cant keep going through policies in his head whenever he gets involved in a crime. Thats why they cock up. Too much thinking and not enough doing.

When Lee Rigby was hacked to death in the streets in broad daylight in the name of Islam , When the internet was awash with Muslims saying 'we' (The white population) deserved it because we had killed in Afghanistan . . (lets ignore the Muslims who WANT us there shall we).. do you think arresting a couple of white people for threatening to burn down mosques was a good idea OR do you think it was a natural knee jerk reaction which should have been ignored?

In the same way all the Muslims saying Lee Rigby deserved everything he got were ignored...

The Police have the tools down at ground level to equally apply the law. But you dont and wont.
I agree with all of this, MDF.

The powers that be who are discriminating in favour of muslims are, in fact, stirring up even more hatred. I can understand such feelings of hatred when the indigenous white British are being discriminated against. I have said before that I long for equality and fairness for all in this country. The actions that you describe are certainly far from being fair.

Our political masters must be too thick to see the damage they are doing, but then again, I for one have absolutely no confidence in any of our present politicians.

Still, if LMB was an 'ordinary' plod, can you really put the blame for this on his doorstep. If he had arrested muslims for genuine crimes, don't you think he'd have been reprimanded for being racist?
You'll never cure securespark. As he said in his post - he's been brainwashed from an early age (even though he denied it last week). :rolleyes:

joe - stop being immature.

I was not brainwashed.

You're just being a Drama Queen again: big time.

Not good enough when you're around just to have someone who had a well-balanced upbringing, they have to have been brainwashed.

Hope you're wearing that crown!
The last person to realise they have been brainwashed is the person that's been brainwashed - and that's you. You've been hardwired to believe the rubbish your black parent told you - and now you think it's the truth. It's not - you've been brainwashed. Completely. Totally.
Unfortunately you have built your argument on assumptions.

Good job you're not a spark. You'd be dead by now if you made assumptions as a spark.
Where were you in the early hours of this morning Joe? Setting fire to a mosque perhaps?

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and even if securespark has a completely opposite view to your own, and debate is healthy, but you're now just acting like a bigot.
The last person to realise they have been brainwashed is the person that's been brainwashed

Where were you in the early hours of this morning Joe? Setting fire to a mosque perhaps?

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and even if securespark has a completely opposite view to your own, and debate is healthy, but you're now just acting like a bigot.

He's the type wrecking this country - but has been too brainwashed to see it.

Let me ask him a question:

Hey securespark - when (in your opinion) is the UK full up? In my opinion we've passed that point - when do YOU say the UK is full?
Hey Joe...

You could do your bit for this 'overcrowded' country and take a hike...

You wouldn't be missed... ;)
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