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I've just looked on BBC, ITV and Sky, ***************************and there's no mention of it. Got any links to some of those pages/press/TV news articles you mention?
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SirGalahadI pop now and then so to see peeps pop posts up. You seem to make up more posts of 5hite (That we can see every day in the news, We don't need you repeating it? I did vote leave, I do regret it, but it is bygones. We have BBC news, we have local, Can we not read? My font has gone weird. Sorry, Drunk yet again. Galahad, get a fkn life idjut, That is all, Sorry all. Dan x
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I'm not moaning, It's just my understanding of the 'repercussions' weren't made clear. 'get them immigrants out and save our jobs' was then mentality at the time. Stuck up in Grimsby, I did not speak Polish, No agency was interested. That's the only selfish reason I voted leave, I'm not racist, I hate everyone. But there you go. Tail between my arse and lived in the Salvation army and YMCA before i dumped everything to make a new start. Since covid, they fked off back home and now they don'y have enough workers in fields.

With all the dinghy divers. let them work the fields. I'm sure we can all work together and sort this 5hite out.

Well did you get rid of the immigrants?
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Well did you get rid of the immigrants?
Told you feck knows how many times now - Brexit is a long game. Brexit didn't immediately get rid of the 'immigrants' over here in the same way it didn't force UK residents living and working abroad to come home. It gave both groups the right to apply to remain. What it will stop is fresh immigrants coming over UNLESS WE WANT/NEED AND ALLOW THEM.
Front page news ***************************, front page. Not old news - you can find just about anything on any news channel if you search for it.

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Told you feck knows how many times now - Brexit is a long game. Brexit didn't immediately get rid of the 'immigrants' over here in the same way it didn't force UK residents living and working abroad to come home. It gave both groups the right to apply to remain. What it will stop is fresh immigrants coming over UNLESS WE WANT/NEED AND ALLOW THEM.

Only the government can do that.
And the government (no realistically-electable government, anyway) don't want to.

Have you not yet realised this?

Blaming the EU just allows them to do what they want to anyway, without taking the brickbats for it.

Have you not yet realised this?
Told you feck knows how many times now - Brexit is a long game. Brexit didn't immediately get rid of the 'immigrants' over here in the same way it didn't force UK residents living and working abroad to come home. It gave both groups the right to apply to remain. What it will stop is fresh immigrants coming over UNLESS WE WANT/NEED AND ALLOW THEM.
Remind me of the immigration figures ?
Only the government can do that.
And the government (no realistically-electable government, anyway) don't want to.

Have you not yet realised this?

Blaming the EU just allows them to do what they want to anyway, without taking the brickbats for it.

Have you not yet realised this?
Yes. He still clings on to proven brexit lies
Only the government can do that.
And the government (no realistically-electable government, anyway) don't want to.

Have you not yet realised this?

Blaming the EU just allows them to do what they want to anyway, without taking the brickbats for it.

Have you not yet realised this?
When we were in the EU, any EU national could come over here to work. They usually hot bedded, lived in squalor, were treated appallingly by dodgy employers and worked for less than minimum wage, driving the wage down for the indigenous workforce . Now they cant. They have to be wanted and needed which I think is a fair way for a country to go about things. I don't care, foe example, if they come over to pick fruit when in season as long as they go back home when that work has finished. Could we just pop over to the USA, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, China, Australia and start working if you were not invited? No, we can't and in my book that's perfectly reasonable.
Why do you contribute on a brexit thread?

If its of no interest, that's irony
It's the behaviour of sone people that fascinates me. Their obsession with criticising Brexit constantly. Brexit is of no interest to me.
........were treated appallingly by dodgy employers and worked for less than minimum wage, driving the wage down for the indigenous workforce .

And you think someone with little to no regard for the law will now rethink their life choices and behaviour, because we voted Leave?


You've just demonstrated that us being in the EU wasn't the issue :ROFLMAO:
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