You think England's justice systems a joke

17 Aug 2010
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United Kingdom
Up here, north of the border we have the SNP (Scottish 'n' Palestinians) (they seem to wave the hamas flag a lot these days) Anyways, a while back, this bonkers political party (think of Labour on hard drugs) decided that you should never really lock anyone up under the age of 25 (yes seriously) apparently they are still children or something.

So today we hear of

stabbed or slashed a 65 yo in the morning, had tea and biscuits down the cop shop, probably told he was a very very naughty boy, then on the way home killed a 70 yo.

you probably have all this nonsense to come when labour start virtue signalling with your justice system
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you probably have all this nonsense to come when labour start virtue signalling with your justice system
Another opportunity exploited to criticise Labour without a shred of reason.
Political parties, of any colour are not in control of day to day policing decisions. :rolleyes:
He was making a point until he did the trump thing and went off spouting rubbish
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SNP = fecking useless. I sooooo hope come the next Scottish elections they are shown the door. Yes that might mean Scottish Labour in power, however the SNP need a period in opposition, a LONG period.
The SNP are just nationalists using the same false arguments as Brexit.

Sturgeon suddenly retired……as soon as she knew that knock on the door was imminent.

All that time she spent whining about Boris Johnson’s corruption whilst she was busy filling her boots
Sturgeon suddenly retired……as soon as she knew that knock on the door was imminent.

All that time she spent whining about Boris Johnson’s corruption whilst she was busy filling her boots
As yet, no charges have been brought, or are in the pipeline, against Nicola Sturgeon.
It wasn't Nicola Sturgeon that was arrested and charged, it was her husband.

Nicola Sturgeon ... announced her intention to resign as first minister of Scotland.
There are several factors that could have influenced her decision, with the first minister having to deal with tricky political situations on a number of fronts in recent weeks.

It's a false argument to us her husband's possible embezzling against the SNP's policies.
It's like saying the Tories policies were all wrong because Boris lied.
It was though the lady has form

As yet, no charges have been brought, or are in the pipeline, against Nicola Sturgeon.
One would have thought that after more than 12 months of investigations, the police would have charged her by now.
So there is no 'form' as of yet.
Munroast probably has a closer eye on this as it in his back yard. The investigation into the Salmond affair and sexual misconduct allegations may well come to roost more ominously for Sturgeon than any Campervan shenanigans.

Is it upwards of £500K he has already received in compensation?
Munroast probably has a closer eye on this as it in his back yard. The investigation into the Salmond affair and sexual misconduct allegations may well come to roost more ominously for Sturgeon than any Campervan shenanigans.

Is it upwards of £500K he has already received in compensation?
Pure speculation. :rolleyes:
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