I was referring to Exodus 34:14 - "You shall not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation, of those who hate me".
The Old Testament is full of such commands to the Jews out of Egypt who brought a new militancy towards other faiths - it was then the tribes of Judah and Benjamin became zealots in the cause of Jehovah to rid their Promised Land of all who opposed them. Intolerant of any other God but their own. The Philistines were cast out and their Gods, Baal and Dagon, were demonised, although early Christians took elements of their philosophy into new texts, notably the Sermon on the Mount.
Calling someone a 'philistine' has the same connotation as calling them a 'pagan', both terms used by Jewish and Roman respectively to castigate a conquered people in Judea and Brittania...what does that all have to do with Zion and the art of Armageddon?
Nothing. And everything. Those derogatory terms and Bibilical injunctions remain in use today by Zionists who promote their version of the old Testament through total control of media discourse which affects the way people perceive how Israel has a "right to exist". This right is God-given, according to their religious laws, so no opposition is given credence and cannot be sustained in the face of relentless propaganda. Their injunction extends beyond the third and fourth generation as the sins of Philistine fathers is passed on to Palestinian sons.