Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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But these myths and legends are no excuse for racism, apartheid and genocide.
which is myth, legend or in fact?
We can trace the wanderings of the Vandals across Europe, into North Africa and back into the Iberian peninsula where they eventually settled down and called Andalusia home. The origins of the Bourbon tribes might surprise you. Because these oral histories were not written down for hundreds of years after the events doesn't make them fiction. DNA evidence can help trace the migration and a better understanding of how to interpret scripture will open a different world - can you read the Norse sagas? Don't take them literally and they will open your eyes into the minds of men long dead...but their legacy remains.

The problem comes with prophets: prophecy requires fulfillment to render the scriptures real to people who still read biblical texts literally, and those people are ready to enact the conditions for bringing about the Rapture whether you're ready or not.
In the present day...

Jared Kushner, former senior foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump, has said waterfront property in Gaza could be “very valuable” and that Israel should move Palestinians out of Gaza to enable an attack on Rafah.

Al Jazeera.com

Satellite images released today show 35% of the Gaza Strip has been reduced to rubble but i'm sure the Americans will find a way to rebuild the damage and make a tidy profit in the end...then sell more arms to Israel to maintain the 'peace'. Win-win.
Needs a longer news announcement really.
Israel ordering the evacuation of El Shifa hospital via megaphones. Still no proof of what they have said they have done there. More killed and arrested again. Some mention has been made of in the region of the hospital.

US security council motion ready and announced. Wording so far described as a bit evasive. Ceasefire and hostages related.

Another interesting AlJ broadcast. The alternative Palestinian view of their history. Looks like it was a pretty productive area under the Ottomans. Even railway links to a variety of places - station in Jerusalem before 1900. Plenty of old film.
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Needs a longer news announcement really.
Israel ordering the evacuation of El Shifa hospital via megaphones. Still no proof of what they have said they have done there. More killed and arrested again. Some mention has been made of in the region of the hospital.

US security council motion ready and announced. Wording so far described as a bit evasive. Ceasefire and hostages related.

Another interesting AlJ broadcast. The alternative Palestinian view of their history. Looks like it was a pretty productive area under the Ottomans. Even railway links to a variety of places - station in Jerusalem before 1900. Plenty of old film.

Just read in the JP that support for a two state solution by Palestinians has doubled since December,.......... to 62%

That's a surprising statistic.
The US motion mentions a ceasefire in an odd way avoiding the word immediate. Still not clear in the area of hostages may be all or some.

Pass but it seems of the El Shifa isn't evacuated it will be blown up. Seems there are lots in and no food or water allowed in. They probably want to do a person by person search and interrogate.
That's a surprising statistic.
It seems senior IDF has been questioning what they being told to do. Ganz - only military people in the war cabinet seems to be his main idea.
Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit (I-Unit) has carried out a forensic analysis of the events of October 7, when Hamas fighters launched an incursion into Israel that has transformed the politics of the Middle East...[they] reveal widespread human rights abuses by Hamas fighters and others who followed them through the fence from the Gaza Strip and draws up a comprehensive list of those killed.

But the investigation by the I-Unit, which examined hours of footage from CCTV, dashcams, personal phones and headcams of killed Hamas fighters, has also found that many of the stories that came out in the days following the attack were false. These include claims of atrocities such as the mass killing and beheading of babies as well as allegations of widespread and systematic rape – stories that were used repeatedly by politicians in Israel and the West to justify the ferocity of the subsequent bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which has so far killed nearly 32,000 people.

Al Jazeera.com

Told ya those tales of headless babies were bogus.
It also seems the bulk of El Shifa hospital fighting is within the area around it and not in it. Fierce fighting in an area that has supposedly been sorted out some time ago according to Israel.

Some disturbing statements about what went on in the hospital. Also a clip - IDF megaphone if you come out of the hospital you will be shot.

Maybe some one will manage to smuggle a sim card out of the hospital. It does seem to be being evacuated but rather scant info just showing a few on their way south.
These include claims of atrocities such as the mass killing and beheading of babies as well as allegations of widespread and systematic rape – stories that were used repeatedly by politicians in Israel and the West to justify the ferocity of the subsequent bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which has so far killed nearly 32,000 people.

A dead baby is still a dead baby, headless or not. As for rape and sexual abuse/torture. The UN investigation appears to arrive at a different conclusion to the Al Jizz one, and the UN certainly ain't pro Israel.
Blinken is being much more critical of Israel even a Rafar attack with a plan. Odd that Israel is visiting the US next week with their plan.

The US security council motion. Sound like it will be voted on today. It adds the word imperative to the cease fire aspect. That avoids saying when. No one seems to be prepared to comment on the probable results of the votes. Russia wants the word immediate, others do too but Russia was the obvious one to ask. blinken doesn't use the word imperative when mentioning the US view. Sounds like an immediate ceasefire,

There is another one going around as well. From elected members that does mention an immediate ceasefire. France may be involved. Also a feeling that the US might feel embarrassed if they veto another one. This it seems would make 4.

If one with the word immediate does get passed things change. It seems this would indicate that force can be used.
The UN investigation appears to arrive at a different conclusion to the Al Jizz one, and the UN certainly ain't pro Israel.
Didn't they conclude probable rather than certain and were not so specific about the nature of the atrocities. Was their photographic evidence? If pathologists or investigators were involved their would be. Or should be. Maybe there is,
The BBC broadcasted a longer version of this on the news Might say 3rd time unlucky but indicates the effects of the time of the attacks. Severed heads figure.

They also went on to discuss how they authenticated it. This is the multi story building that was flattened, The IDF coundn't tell then if there was any bombing in the area having been told where it is and also relating it to a nearby mosque that was also flattened.

Pity that video is not the whole thing.
The US motion didn't pass. Russia and China voted against it. Also Algeria. One abstained and had the most interesting reasons for doing so. Mainly no mention of the problems purely down to Israel which as she said all know about. Guiana.

Russian view. China more or less the same. Kicks the ball down the line, purely political also mentioning Blinken description against the actual motion. Also that the US knew they would veto it. It's hard to argue about the earlier points in that respects, The veto, well they probably knew they would. I thought France might abstain due to noises coming from them but sounds the same. Political noises one thing. The diplomatic end of things rather different. The UK is probably much the same, The only thing that will end fighting is an actual ceasefire. The US motion would just delay that until they see fit. Political noises - aimed at populations.

So the US has won. No change in their position and they can blame Russia and China. The PA also reject the motion even though it's out of their control. They intend to approach the security council to become a recognised state. That should be interesting. Last attempt a while ago got a US veto. 140 countries recognise it anyway.

Benjamin latest. They will go into Rafar with or without US backing.

Ceasefire talks. We hear about the US plus toyboy Egypt one. Seems there is another Qatar based.
And meanwhile the zionists continue their putsch to expel palestinians from their land...

"JERUSALEM, March 22 (Reuters) - Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on Friday declared 800 hectares in the occupied West Bank as state land, in a move that will facilitate the use of the ground for settlement building.
The announcement, on the day U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel for talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, underlined the government's determination to press ahead with settlement building in the West Bank, despite growing international opposition"

"While there are those in Israel and in the world who seek to undermine our right to Judea and Samaria and the country in general, we promote settlement through hard work and in a strategic manner all over the country," Smotrich said, using Biblical names for the area of the West Bank that are commonly employed in Israel.
The denomination of the 1,976 acres of land in the Jordan Valley as state land follows a similar designation of 300 hectares (740 acres) in the Maale Adumim area of the West Bank, which the Palestinians want as the core of a future independent state"

The Israeli fanatics really don't care...

No doubt filly and his fellow apologists will attempt to defend this...

But on what grounds?
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