Zion and the Art of Armageddon

In its legal note on the suspension of some arms sales, the British government names violations of Israel’s duty to enable the delivery of humanitarian aid and the mistreatment of prisoners as probable violations of international humanitarian law. The UK Foreign Office lawyers who drafted the note seem to accept that Israel’s engagement in Gaza and its conduct of hostilities are lawful.

This rationale finds little basis in international law because it has been clearly established that Israel does not have the right of self-defence in territories it occupies and its current offensive conduct is well outside the permitted parameters of self-defence.

The British government’s interpretation fits within the highly questionable anti-terrorism framework inaugurated by the United States “war on terror” in the 2000s and widely accepted by its NATO allies. This framework is not considered a part of customary international law and represents a flagrant attempt to create an exceptional space for powerful states to continue the proliferation of war in the Global South.

In his statement to the House of Commons, Foreign Minister David Lammy justified this exemption by stating that the UK’s participation in the programme is “crucial to wider peace and security”. This choice of words is ironic given that Israel’s conduct in Gaza and generally in the Middle East threatens international peace and security. The notion of “peace and security” is also a cornerstone of the UN Charter, and UN member states have the obligation to preserve them. Lammy, of course, does not refer to the UN Charter but to NATO’s securitised language. According to the military alliance’s logic, “peace and security” is whatever serves the current world order spearheaded by the US.

NATO states are in defiance of the ICJ’s July decision on the illegality of the Israeli occupation, which clearly established that security concerns cannot override international law. In his separate declaration on the issue, ICJ Judge Dire Tladi wrote:

“As a first general point, when addressing security concerns, it should be recalled that all States, and not just Israel, have security interests. This includes Palestine. Often, when the “security concerns” claim is made, it is as if only Israel has security concerns or that somehow, Israel’s security concerns override those of Palestine’s. The second general point to make is that security interests as such, no matter how serious or legitimate, cannot override rules of international law, a point made by the Court.”

The power of the US asserted through NATO casts a long shadow of normalised illegality. Arms-exporting states are maintaining the flow of weapons in service of geopolitical and economic interests, thus becoming directly complicit in the genocide of the Palestinian people. But international law is clear: The supply of weapons to a state engaged in war crimes, crimes against humanity and a plausible genocide is itself a crime.

Shahd Hammouri@Al Jazeera
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This rationale finds little basis in international law because it has been clearly established that Israel does not have the right of self-defence in territories it occupies and its current offensive conduct is well outside the permitted parameters of self-defence.
A view but when resistance fighters engage with an occupier things get more complicated. The resistance fighters are entitled to and needn't wear uniforms etc however they should only direct there attention to the occupier's military not it's population. If they attack the population they are effectively at war with them and in Hamas's and others cases get branded as terrorists. Lebanon are attacking military targets, Net result both sides have had to evacuate their population from certain areas. Israel should attack back in the same fashion.

Israel's idea of how to attack. AlJ mentioned that recently. The basic idea is to be excessive to strike fear in the heart of the enemy. This idea has been around for a long time. West Bank IDF raids regularly show this as there is usually a punishment element.

Proportionality gets a mention - I'd love to see a meaningful legal definition of what that means, It's purely a military decision. Israel is at war with Gaza. Aid supply then comes into things, Hospitals and similar such a civil defence should not be attacked.

Fact is statements like the one quoted don't help. Fact is Israel has torn the occupied territory laws to shreds and has broken several war associated rules. No more than this is needed.

Meanwhile the UN member states have voted overwhelmingly for Israel to get out of the occupied territories within 12 months. Embargoes mentioned. UK votes against, Why - we feel that currently it would prevent a peace deal occurring; LOL So later we would vote for the idea? So the UN has had it's vote, I assume security council comes next so what do you think the verdict will be?
Meanwhile the UN member states have voted overwhelmingly for Israel to get out of the occupied territories within 12 months. Embargoes mentioned. UK votes against, Why - we feel that currently it would prevent a peace deal occurring; LOL So later we would vote for the idea? So the UN has had it's vote, I assume security council comes next so what do you think the verdict will be?

Since the vote is non-binding i assume Israel will ignore it, like all the others.
Since the vote is non-binding i assume Israel will ignore it, like all the others.
No vote by the general council is binding. The only group that can do that is the security council. It's had plenty of chances of doing something about Israeli actions in the occupied areas but never has. That may be related to peace deals such as with the PLO but the UN courts appear to feel that this is not a valid view due to pressures being applied. Anyway fresh settlements and other factors continue anyway.

Anyway Israel and it's right to defend etc. Explained. They are at war with the Gaza strip. West Bank is some what similar in that people creep out and shoot etc Israeli. That makes them terrorists. No problem if they just shot IDF. Then comes the people that the IDF shoot there, reasons and the style of their raids. Again against international law.

Benjamin reckoned his Gaza war would take ~12months so is now making noises about shifting his attentions to the north. No idea if his war has been fully successful. Some say there is no way of killing an idea. So what does he intend with Lebanon?
Israeli victory Palestinian militants evacuated after peace settlement Destruction of much of Beirut
Inconclusive result. UN cease fire and both sides say they won.
????? Israeli jets are overflying Beirut and dropping flares, sonic booms etc. 1982 style warning that wont achieve anything?
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Israel has submitted an “official challenge” to a request from the international criminal court prosecutor for an arrest warrant against its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Just to show no favouritism, Karim Khan has also sought warrants against top Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh and Mohammed Deif on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Khan’s charges against Netanyahu and Gallant include “starvation of civilians”, “extermination”, and “intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population”.

I suppose they'll get away with a technicality, such as saying Israel provided 22 aid trucks on a given day, ignoring the fact 500 per day are required, claiming Hamas use 'human shields' so the IDF can't help but slaughter civilians in their quest to destroy Hamas.
Israel has submitted an “official challenge” to a request from the international criminal court prosecutor for an arrest warrant against its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Just to show no favouritism, Karim Khan has also sought warrants against top Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh and Mohammed Deif on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Khan’s charges against Netanyahu and Gallant include “starvation of civilians”, “extermination”, and “intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population”.

I suppose they'll get away with a technicality, such as saying Israel provided 22 aid trucks on a given day, ignoring the fact 500 per day are required, claiming Hamas use 'human shields' so the IDF can't help but slaughter civilians in their quest to destroy Hamas.
Israel are not waiting for the Hamas and Hezbollah arrest warrants. They're executing the Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, their families, their acquaintances, and anyone who happens to be in the vicinity.
I suppose they'll get away with a technicality, such as saying Israel provided 22 aid trucks on a given day
They appear to be maintaining near starvation levels to me - on purpose. At times other countries throw in air drops due to problems in specific areas. Same with the pontoon that broke up and got moved. In use now? Pass. It appears to be attached to Israel now.

This may be war technically wonderful but some especially the young and some others will starve to some degree.
More reports of IDF firing at journalists:
Video from the occupied West Bank town of Qabatiya shows Israeli soldiers pushing dead bodies off a roof in a raid that killed at least five Palestinians. The Israeli military also opened fire on a group of journalists filming the raid from a nearby building.
Just to show no favouritism, Karim Khan has also sought warrants against top Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh and Mohammed Deif on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Two of those have already been 'martyred'. Arrest warrants not required.
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