In a mixed society...

Why did they bother? They aren't British and never will be.
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But the British are a mix of races, starting from Roman times... Plenty of second or third generation Poles living in my ara... Some fought in the War, some worked in the factories building aero engines that powered Lancasters, Huricanes and Spitfires...
expensive bloody ornament the lot of them :evil:

But an expnsive and almost unique ornament that folk from around the world will pay good money to come and see and has been seen this weekend, they ar quite popular here too..
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But the British are a mix of races, starting from Roman times... Plenty of second or third generation Poles living in my ara... Some fought in the War, some worked in the factories building aero engines that powered Lancasters, Huricanes and Spitfires...

If they are born here they are British, if they are born elsewhere they are 'wherever they were born ish'.
Does that include the children of Service personel who have been born overseas?...
No - why should it? The base is part of the UK.
Well how about those Ghurkas who are foreigners who are willing to die in defence of Britain?
They are just foreign mercenaries - willing to die for a fat pension. They care not who they fight for.
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