
  1. L

    General window exterior trim enquiry

    Is it normal to have gaps like this on the trim on the outside of the windows?
  2. R

    Eurocell or Swish Upvc Windows?

    Hi I have the option of Swish or Eurocell double glazed upvc Windows installed in my cottage. I don't want tilt and turn other than where I absolutely have to. Swish can't apparently do side opening windows because the windows are too tall so they have to be bottom opening, not sure I fancy...
  3. C

    Bay window leak and replacing rotted plywood sill

    Hi all, I'm new here and would appreciate any advice.. I have a bay window (this style might be termed bow window). I recently found it had been leaking for some time and completely rotted the plywood underneath the plastic interior sill (no idea how long it had been going on for!). I removed...
  4. R

    Door Question

    I am building a sound studio on the top floor of an office building and because it will be a "room within a room" design (for soundproofing), the inner dimensions will shrink a fair bit. So, Is there a minimum height regulation for the doors? I have space for a 1940mm high door. Is that OK?
  5. S

    Are these windows fitted ok? Pics included.

    We live on a fairly busy road, technically 20mph but everyone does at least 30mph. There is a constant stream of traffic until fairly late in the evening and queues during morning and evening rush hours. Motorbikes go up and down late at night. No lorries or buses normally though due to narrow...
  6. F

    Wood rot on outdoor window frame advice please!

    We recently found a large patch of wet rot on one of our outdoor frames, which has been looked at and we've been told the whole frame probably needs replacing because of where it is... so that's fine. We also found some smaller patches on our other window frames, of soft, flaky wood. These...
  7. C

    New bathroom window in side wall.

    Hi- we currently have a windowless bathroom on the first floor. We are thinking of putting in a new window for a little light / ventilation etc. The house is a detached but the houses are built closely so there is about a metre and a half between the side wall of our house and next door’s side...
  8. robodelfy

    Is this dry rot, what can I do?

    Years ago I had a window that was falling apart in my bathroom. I got it replaced with a PVC window and the guy didn't mention anything about the state of the wood around the window. Now I'm renovating the bathroom and I've found the wood under the window is soft and crumbly. Is this dry rot...
  9. T

    Window frame gap fillers

    We’ve been painting the walls around our windows and to do so we have removed the sealant - the idea was to paint and use a mould resistant sealant (we’ve had condensation and water build up issues before) however the gap is very large. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should use...
  10. S

    UPVC window gap hinges

    Hi all, I moved into my house last year. All of the windows upstairs have huge gaps in them, some of them I can actually fit a whole finger down the hinge side and can see daylight. These windows were only installed in 2011. As per advice I’ve seen I have bought some new hinges. Just replaced a...
  11. N

    How to insulate old sash windows?

    In my property the windows are old sash windows, I know I need to replace them. Until then though, I am looking for a short term patch. If I manage to get even 50% less cold coming in, it'll be a great benefit. This particular window is in my bathroom, and it's freezing cold, especially at...
  12. cwhaley

    Curtain Rail

    I know curtain rails have been done to death on here, but I can't find anything specific for my query... I put a curtain rail up last year into a bay window. It is a fairly wide bay with large thermal curtains with lots of weight to them. Naturally the area above the window is peppered with...
  13. A

    Filling big void around UPVC windows

    Hi all. I'm planning on internally insulating the front of our house and have just stripped back the wallpaper and am taking the UPVC surrounds off the double glazing to fill the voids. There is a massive void above the double glazing in the main bedroom (8 inches between glazing and brick)...
  14. A

    Leak around bay window

    We’re almost finished renovating our home and I’ve come to find theres a leak coming in through the bay window. In the images i’ve already removed the sealant on the interior. the the internal joints of the bay window (first 2 pics) theres water coming in. Obviously in the internal corner...
  15. Greg_0ry1

    Window Gasket replaceable?

    Hello, I am wondering if my window gaskets are replaceable? As they are mostly broken it seems to be impossible to get them out or they are not suppose to come out. Any advise would be appreciated Thanks IMG_2945 by Greg_0ry1 posted 5 Dec 2019 at 5:14 PM IMG_2946 by Greg_0ry1 posted 5 Dec...
  16. O

    Window lock

    Hi All, Hoping for a bit of advice. Recently bought a new house and noticed a number of the windows don't lock. On further investigation I noticed the handles have a spade rather than spindle. I managed to source a replacement handle, they're known as cadenza handles, but it seems the lock...
  17. tim_1963

    frame mount window handles

    I have some cottage timber windows (Jedd Wenn or Magnet) where rather than having the handle clip into the window frame itself, there are plastic keeps (similar to the keep of a yale lock) that are screwed to the face of the frame that I need replacing - anyone know where I can get these or even...
  18. J

    Draught left panel of window

    Hey all! I've lately been noticing some draught coming from the left side of the left panel of two of my windows. I understand that you can adjust the tightness of the window against the frame by turning the lock head with an Allen key. Unfortunately, only the right panel of my window has a...
  19. T

    Caulk Wood Window Frame

    Hi should you caulk around the inside of a wooden frame? I have fitted a new glass unit with security tape but should I also seal it inside? I was looking for rubber sealing same as you see on PVC. Thanks
  20. D

    Door frame not weatherproof

    I had this door put in but it was all a bit ad hoc so the door reveal was too wide and some add-on pieces were put on (I don't know what the correct term for them is). The interior emulsion is starting to spot with mold along the inside of the frame so obviously it isn't sealed. I think the...