We have got a left-wing government and it is of no benefit at all
I am sorry but you are wrong.
this government:
1) this govt has very low taxes: for the rich
2) this govt has very wealthy donors which influence policy for competitive advantage
3) this govt is driven entirely by self interest: lobbying for personal gain
4) this govt is driven by privatisation, esp health services….for personal gain.
What part of the above is left wing?
Yes, most of it on private contracts for personal gain.. State spending last year was the highest it has ever been
the furlough scheme was due to the pandemic - nothing to do with political ideology
every spare patch of green land in our villages, towns and cities is being built upon
5.9% of the UK is built on
What has that got do with politics?most roads are at a standstill and those that aren't are plagued by speeding drivers
World population in 1930 was 2.5b now it’s 7.5b
if you believe in no state intervention then you must believe people should be free to move and live in different countries.
But you believe in capitalism.whilst foreigners arrive daily and disappear into the black economy
capitalism loves immigration, it needs more and more young working age people to fuel the economy
I am sorry Andy but what you actually hate is right wing politics, you just don’t realise it.