the Iraq Invasion was about how Iraq sold the oil NOT about getting it ..
I have read many things ...about this ...
here is a brief rundown on it ,even USA Govt have agreed this was one reason that they went into Saddams regime to change it
the US is Funded by the Petro $,
the U$ is a world superpower due to the P/$ ,everything in America is supported by the P/$, if that dried up ,the US would be in a Massisive Depression an poorer than a THIRD WORD COUNTRY..
Saddam threatened to stop Selling Barrels of Iraq Oil in $ an sell in the EURO ....this was fully documented at the time as the US were in talks with Opec ..
the US had to go into Iraq to stop this as the P/$ pays for the vast US MILITARY BUDGET ....
this story about WMD was a smokescreen for the US Invasion /Bliar agreed as GB owes the US vast ammonts of debt since WW2 ..
the EU didnt want to help/support the US In those Un meetings on a war/invasion of Saddams Iraq ,as the new revenue from the Petro sales would be huge many over middle east /opec members had said if Saddam could get at the time
32 euros for a barrel of crude oil
compared too the $ price
16 $ for a barrel of crude oil
they would ditch the $ selling price ...
this scared all of the uS Govt so much ..they went to war an kept the oil sales in the $
btw ...... the yanks did this same trick in Afghanistan , when the regime leaders then the Taliban also threatened to sell their oil by the Euro
if you think all this is t'internet rubbish ,
Which country is the third biggest exporter of oil ,an 3 years ago pledged to sell their oil by the euro in the year 2006, an just become the New AXIS OF EVIL for the US GOVT ?
yep you guessed it ... IRAN..
we shall see so much spin/bullshit about how EVIL Iran is this year , an as the US builds up its forces in Iraq , they will hop over to Iran an another Regime change for the P/$ to continue ...
if you think this is Bull Sh*t, mark this post well when our troops are sent to another phoney Illegal war for the US /$ THIS YEAR =FACT
3000 Uk troops are already being deployed in Afghanistan , for training /operations in the boro-boro mountain regions ,
btw the Saudis are pondering about their oil sales an were ready in ditching the $ for euro sales before saddam was toppled but as the US Military are entrenched there in S/Arabia they are having second thoughts now
all this info is in the broad sheets weekly regarding the Petro/$ an the US Interests in the Middle East