being a soldier.

what a pair of plums ...

jesus ......awful

A nasty pair of plums ... they are IRA SCUM ****S...

btw tick tock

btw its called a gas bomb /or not back to your house then its bomb
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You have a point DJ, but unfortunately it is still the same people and same intelligence sources which are saying that even if they were wrong last time, now there really is a threat. We believed them before on the assumption that they would not lie about such important matters.

We should believe them now despite the knowledge that they are quite capable of lying about such matters to obtain entirely different ends?

If everyone in Iraq is so happy about the invasion, how come there is any threat at all?
charley-farley said:
what a pair of plums ...

jesus ......awful

A nasty pair of plums ... they are IRA SCUM ****...

btw tick tock

btw its called a gas bomb /or not back to your house then its bomb

:eek: :confused:
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