being a soldier.

Damocles said:
Except that in this case lack of equipment did not all come down to money. That latest 'leaked' memo about the cabinet discussing how they would justify the war? Included a section on how absolutely no one was to know what they were planning. No one was to be given extra money to buy needed equipment. And no one was allowed to spend money they already had on stuff they would need.

You could justify that on military 'surprise' grounds. But that was not the reason. The secrecy was about the uk scratching about for an excuse. If Sadam had really believed he was going to be invaded he might have stopped bluffing the arms inspectors. Then there would have been absolutely no reason for a war.

So anyone who died because the MOD did not have time to buy bullet proof vests, died because the politicians were working up their excuses for war. Not good.
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What was that saying?
'The road to Hell is paved with good intentions'?

Just remember. Howard would have done exactly the same thing.
Ah, But the old reality of life and 'doers' ....... More you 'do', the more you can f'k things up .. Witness HMG's with large majority !!
:p :p :p
Left wing governments always get carried away with right wing measures. And vice versa. On the whole they have done quite well at avoiding ridiculous mistakes, except for all their totalitarion security measures.
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Damocles said:
Left wing governments always get carried away with right wing measures. And vice versa. On the whole they have done quite well at avoiding ridiculous mistakes, except for all their totalitarion security measures.

The reason he has not been involved in one is because of the security measures. I can feel it coming...........................MUPPET!! :rolleyes:
Um, no. The first reason I have not been involved in one is that before we Invaded Iraq there were no security issues apart from the IRA.

Second, there have already been 3 bomb incidents within 1-2 miles of where I live (London) care of the IRA. This puts me in a pretty high risk area, thank you, but i was not hurt and nor were almost everybody else living there. Made a lovely mess of the high street though. Only just finished rebuilding.

OK, the government has now made a fresh lot of enemies but on the whole these are in an even poorer position than the IRA for successfully setting off lots of bombs. I am much more likely to be killed or injured in a road accident. Despite the hype I am at little more risk from these guys than I ever was.

Their actions do not justify imprisonment without trial any more than they would dangerous drivers (who kill rather more people). They can be dealt with using normal measures where people have a right to present a defense against false charges in court. I

t is just as bad for us to lock someone up without any recourse as it is for them to set off a bomb and kill someone. Worse really, we are supposed to be the good guys who believe in liberty and justice.
The trouble is that people frequently do to you what you do to them. If you treat innocent people like terrorists then it is just amazing how many of them say,
'allright, you are going to treat me like a terrorist when I never did anything, so I will damn well become one and **** you'. I take it you want to live in a society like that?
Damocles said:
The trouble is that people frequently do to you what you do to them. If you treat innocent people like terrorists then it is just amazing how many of them say,
'allright, you are going to treat me like a terrorist when I never did anything, so I will damn well become one and **** you'. I take it you want to live in a society like that?

We already do
Damocles said:
Well some of us are fighting to run it the right way.

I think you live in fuzzy land where the clouds are made of cotton wool my old mate :eek: :LOL:
People in this country just have nothing better to worry about than the idea of the odd terrorist bomb or two. In Iraq people are shot every day. In a good number of countries they are starving or about to. Here at home you may be run over by a speeding car, or die from a heart attack due to your over-rich diet.

Keep a sense of proportion. This is just about the greatest and safest time to be alive there ever was.
Surprised no one has twigged why, with wide open borders they are not bombing the cr ap out of us ? Why bother ? HMG is screwing us big time with their stealth taxes ....
If that fat Jock puckers his lips again whilst enthusing like an anchor over the inflation rate (CPI) of 1.9% .. grrrrrr!
TV licence plus Car Tax up 3.7% ... Spread that across a few tens of millions - more feathers being plucked.. with very little hissing.
They must be banking ( ;)) on the fact there is so much debt, hardly anyone is taking any notice of what they spend these days...
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