200 Schools considering cutting hours to save money

So what will be the jobs available for humans?
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If, in 1980, somebody had said "website designer" "i-pad salesman" "Blogger" and "Uber driver" you wouldn't have know what they were talking about.

Who knows what the jobs of the future will be?

Dripflange degausser? bionic destresser? Chakra aligner?
Data Scientist is the latest thing - somebody has to manage the machines!

Marketing and propaganda / publicist / spokesperson - we can never let the machines do that job!
It's not a job of the future if you already know what it is.

Look back....

Mr. Burns' investment portfolio includes long-defunct shares in "Confederated Slave Holdings, Trans-atlantic Zeppelin, Amalgamated Spats, Congreve's Inflammable Powders, U.S. Hay", and an "up-and-coming Baltimore Opera Hat Company".[72]
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It's not worth worrying about, no one knows. AI is again rearing its head as it has done in the 50's, 60's,70's,80's,90's,00's. My guess, and a pure guess is advanced BioTech.
Well, Britain might need more farmers soon!
This will have a real impact on the economy - many mums work, putting kids in after s

How dare working parents accuse the Gov say they want to support parents then cut school hours, cut rates for childcare
We should start by schools being allowed to teach only 3 kids per family max. Any higher and the family has to pay for their education. Only 2 if they are less than 10years resident.
When we decided to have kids, we discussed the practicalities and finance and my wife decided she would give up work to look after them. It was a financial struggle of course so we had little or no holidays and cut our cloth accordingly. How many of these 'struggling parents' these days have two cars, three holidays a year, Sky TV, a mobile phone each etc etc? My wife didn't go back to work until the youngest was 10 years old and even then, she took poorly paid jobs that were geared around the school hours and school terms. On several occasions she left her job at the beginning of the 6 weeks holiday and looked for a new one when they went back to school. At no point did we ever think it was the state's responsibility to look after our children while we worked.

The list gets longer, add social scientist and economist to your medical skills. You seem to be full of inane opinions.

Why didnt you send your kids to private school, or why did you use the NHS?

So people should consume less, thats very socialist of you, not very capitalist at all.
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Raising education level, especially for technical colleges and vocational management courses would lead to companies having professional managers.

Professionally run companies are more productive, leading to higher profits and better pay.

The percentage of professionally trained people in senior management positions in this country is woeful.

Scrap HS2 and put the money into investing in people and technology.

It goes something like this.

Typical RWR.

Screw these poor working people, they made bad decisions, tough if they cant afford childcare, they shouldnt have kids.

Poor people need a tradesman or mechanic, they ask around the RWR quote them, which they cant afford so find some cheap foreign tradesman.

RWR angry he is losing business and blames Foreigners.

Rinse and Repeat.
A lot of schools have done away with caretakers, relying on teachers to do odd jobs, a lot of schools employ teaching assistants, why? are teachers unable to teach without someone holding their hand ? Some head teachers are on a 6 figure salary, costs could be cut by getting rid of teaching assistants, they could also cut summer holiday's and have longer winter breaks, save on the cost of heating, I know the schools will have to be heated to a certain extent, but not as high as would be needed to keep pupils & teachers comfortable.
What's RWR ? RIGHT WING ranker?

It goes something like this.

Typical RWR.

Screw these poor working people, they made bad decisions, tough if they cant afford childcare, they shouldnt have kids.

Poor people need a tradesman or mechanic, they ask around the RWR quote them, which they cant afford so find some cheap foreign tradesman.

RWR angry he is losing business and blames Foreigners.

Rinse and Repeat.

Buffoon how do you think all companies profiteer in all industrries In the UK. They say It's good we have immigrants from all of Europe and beyond which translate it's good because we pay them a lower wage than UK employees and pocket the profit. The government can support the rest who are under paid and unable to afford living in the uk. Who cops the bill. In turn resident uk workers are offered lower salaries it's a downward spiral. Look at the NHS for example.

This is happening in my industry also from all angles in fact.

Sorry what.. but if you cant afford multiple kids don't have them what gives you the right to feel it's right for me to pay for these people who haven't studied and worked for 30 years solid to earn a decent wage why should I pay for their 4 kids plus when I can only afford X and budget as such.
How old are you? Obviously wet behind the ears still. Get in the real world boy.

Whatever next you'll be claiming women aren't allowed abortions due to human rights. Ok I need to leave this place to catch up with real world intelligence.. have a nice evening everyone time for beer garden and undo all my weeks good living.
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A lot of schools have done away with caretakers, relying on teachers to do odd jobs, a lot of schools employ teaching assistants, why? are teachers unable to teach without someone holding their hand ? Some head teachers are on a 6 figure salary, costs could be cut by getting rid of teaching assistants, they could also cut summer holiday's and have longer winter breaks, save on the cost of heating, I know the schools will have to be heated to a certain extent, but not as high as would be needed to keep pupils & teachers comfortable.

School class sizes have increased, one teacher cant teach 30 kids in a classroom themselves.

Typical blaming schools and teachers for cuts.

Btw the headteachers on 6 figure salaries are heads of Academies brought in by the Tory government, private organisations siphoning off money whilst state run schools suffer. One of Gove policies.

RWR really have some mental issues they warp reality.
Teachers already work long days. Their kids will be looked after by the school that they go to. If teachers could get all their paperwork, planning and marking done in the school, many (most maybe) would be happy with that. Maybe if schools were open til 5.30pm, teachers would have 2.5 hours to get stuff done, kids could be looked after by dedicated staff (MDAs who are already trained and vetted could get extra work) and people will not need to leave work early.
You have absolutely no fecking clue.
Actually they are. All schools have a duty of care towards the sprogs whether they are in lessons or not, as long as the child is on the school property.

That could apply to any place anywhere but just because you have a duty of care towards children on your premises, if it’s not your primary service, you don’t HAVE to have them on the premises. They come in, receive their tutoring, they go home. Pillock.
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