yes I agree you're right most of the terrorist acts appear to be tit for tat but the answer is not to simply give up on our countries interests when it come to alliances with the us or our interests in oil etc.
the point is there will always be some party or country that disagrees with our countries current policy/alliance/invasion etc, but with so many immigrants here who are happy to live off our state but confess they do not feel British, the problem then is that we have guests in our house who have no respect for us and it's much harder to control and defend against that, than an enemy baying at the borders, as in days gone by.
The point is that this Country Invaded and bombed the S**t out of Iraq and Afghansitan lead by the Americans,
Tens of Thousands of Innocent men ,women and children were killed and injured,
cities, towns and houses were confined to rubble, because of a policy
And we wonder why a few Extremists who have links with those Countries want to seek revenge on us .