" Invasion of other Countries by our Forefathers "
We are still in Afghanistan at the moment and civilians are still being killed,
Ah, multiculturalism...lotslots
" Invasion of other Countries by our Forefathers "
We are still in Afghanistan at the moment and civilians are still being killed,
So how many of these people are actually a threat and what exactly would you like to do about them?
Thanks for showing us you know f*ck all...I don't know how many of this section of society pose a direct threat
Civilians were being killed long before uk and usa arrival and will continue to be killed long after they are gone.
Has it ever occurred to you that their presence there saved many thousands of lives?
British troop presence in Ulster saved thousands of lives. Something for which they rarely get thanked or recognised for.
They held the two sides apart and took the bullets and flak.
But you're wrong and blinkered to believe those invasions are the only reason why terrorist atrocities are being carried out on UK soil.
At the moment the Israeli's are the only ones who can handle them.
Usually at the end off a gun barrel.
Which is why elly and his leftie comrades hates them.
Thanks for showing us you know f*ck all...
But maybe you'd like to enlighten us as to why you've removed quotes from other people's posts?
All together now....
'It's beginning to look a lot like softus'
UKIP are not against immigration, they want the same as a large proportion of OUR country. Join in, learn the language, pay your taxes.UKIP are just a bunch of tories with a racist 'flavour', so is the BNP your choice?
You mean just like your back packing friends?Although they are now 'pussy footing' around whether the shade of skin is necessarily the trademark of an 'undesirable'...
Would that be a substitute for your Koran?Do you have Mein Kampf on your bedside cabinet perchance