8 squid congestion charge

I think a big improvement for traffic problem would be for staff, teacher, shopkeeper etc to do flexible time. Newsagent would have to be open early but why does any clothes shop have to open at 9am and why not start at 10am?
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kendor said:
trouble with calming schemes are that they do slow the traffic up but they can also contribute to driver frustration and make some drivers speed as soon as they leave the controlled area.

the traffic calming where 1 way has to give way to another really ****es me off. it just adds to congestion and adds un-necessary carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. speed humps dont usually slow me down much. fair enough puttin them next to schools, but in streets where there are no schools and loadsof playin fields its pointless. if someone stole a car and were gettin away from the police, speed humps wont slow them down. afterall, its not their car
Masona, I have always thought the same thing. There should be a trial with behind the scenes public workers because this would be easier to organise. I would increase their working day to spread the rush hour over a longer period and reduce their week accordingly. 3 x 12 or 4 x 9 hour shifts may seem a bit grim but if it was followed by 3 or 4 days off it may be acceptable to some people, especially the ones without kids. This would reduce congestion on both roads and public transport and also reduce pollution. There are many public sector workers who could do this with no adverse effect on services. I am not suggesting compulsion but a voluntary trial would be interesting. Obviously this would be impractical for frontline staff, but most are behind the scenes anyway.
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Jasy, put your toys away, grow up and shut up you silly child.
Mr engineer i was just stating that someone had actually come up with a SENSIBLE post. Does that bother you?? :LOL:
i have a feeling i may need to build a new on for the election too! :D
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