A COVID 19 fiasco



Informed I'd been in contact with someone who'd tested positive for COVID 19, so ordered a test kit. Which arrived the next day via Amazon. Followed the instructions in the booklet to register the test, which requires your order confirmation number and Royal mail reference number. Well as it arrived by Amazon, I haven't got one and none of the instructions match what I've received, so I can't use it. Now the kit is over 48 hours old, it has to be binned.

Useless. There are no local walkthrough or drive through testing stations.
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to register the test, would the order / Royal mail reference be for when you post it off?
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Who did you phone to get help? It's highly unlikely you're the first to get an Amazon kit.

119. Couldn't help and advised me to either not bother as I don't have symptoms or order another kit.
Did it mean your RM ref number when you sent it to the test centre? Would've been on your post office receipt.

Anyway, the advice is to stay at home for 14 days, get a test if you get the symptoms. I wouldn't worry about the kit for now. Good luck, hope you'll be ok!


No, in order to register the test the website requires a 13 digit RM number, not surprisingly I don't have one.
No, in order to register the test the website requires a 13 digit RM number, not surprisingly I don't have one.
I'm not sure if you understood. When you send it back, you get a receipt with the number on it - it's a tracking number. Then you toddle off home and register the test using that number.

I'm only guessing though! But that's the only RM number that you'd get...
The individual who tested positive didn't get their results for over a week!
I'm not sure if you understood. When you send it back, you get a receipt with the number on it - it's a tracking number. Then you toddle off home and register the test using that number.

I'm only guessing though! But that's the only RM number that you'd get...

Was just following the instructions in the booklet, which didn't match up with what was sent, and had references to broken web links etc. Very poor.
Huh, well anyway, I thanked you in case you thought I was being ungrateful.
No, no thanks required, cheers.
I just think you didn't understand - but I appreciate the bad instructions. Nothing much has run smoothly with this whole Covid thing...
Just hope you'll be ok, and your family.
The problem with this track & trace is that they tell you that you may have been in contact with someone who has tested positive. This alone will panic some people.

I know someone who suffers from 'mild' paranoia who got one of these messages. He is still not convinced, 3 weeks later, that he doesn't have it even though he was sent for a test by his GP because of his condition. He keeps thinking they are either lying to him or the symptoms are being held in check by something he is doing, leading him to develop OCD actions in case he doesn't do something that he has been doing and this will then trigger the virus to activate in his body. I can understand why he is behaving this way but no amount of talking or reassuring him can calm him down and see reason. His poor wife is going through hell with no chance of help from anyone "Because of 'Covid' a lot of our services are not fully functioning at the present time."
No, no thanks required, cheers.
I just think you didn't understand - but I appreciate the bad instructions. Nothing much has run smoothly with this whole Covid thing...
Just hope you'll be ok, and your family.

Tough as old boots is ED. Like me he is a northerner. ;)
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