A COVID 19 fiasco

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The problem with this track & trace is that it and related COVID matters are being (mis)handled by an incompetent government...
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The problem with this track & trace is that it and related COVID matters are being (mis)handled by an incompetent government...

The problem with this track & trace is that it and related COVID matters are being (mis)handled by incompetent government(s)...

It's not just the UK that has screwed up!
Care to point them out?

Your link contradicts your view that Sweden is OK.

From your link........"Sweden has the largest number of cases and fatalities in Scandinavia—around 37 000 confirmed cases at the time of writing, compared with its neighbours Denmark, Norway, and Finland which have 12 000, 8000, and 7000 cases, respectively. All three neighbouring countries adopted a lockdown approach early in the pandemic, which they are now slowly lifting. All three have since re-opened their borders, but not to Sweden."
Where did I say that Sweden was OK?

And I quote from a previous post of yours.....

"No fiasco in Sweden.
No lockdown.
No masks.
No panicking.
No economy decimated like here in the UK.
No juking in the supermarket aisles like everyone's got ****ing leprosy.
No school closures.
No childrens futures jepordized.
They just treated it like a seasonal flu and its just going away.
No big deal."

Perhaps you forgot........(y)
Some bloke on the radio an expert on some hung?

Said up to 21000 people have died due to not being able to get treatment for other conditions?? Due to this chinese virus
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