A leader - does he look like one ?

He doesn't look like a modern leader, but that a good thing. The question is could he lead?
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'Intelligence of some of the electorate'.

WTF, is that about ? you live in a dream world don't you ? From Labour getting into power until the GLOBAL recession, cause centred on the USA... Plenty never had it so good !!

If Brown hadn't acted first among many, as he did with regard to the Banks - Where would we all be now ?
I shudder to think.


Brown was in part to blame, when he deregulated the banks, and created the FSA and independent Bank of England.

That the Toryies started. The finical crash was set up even bother labour, but they where far too Tory light. Brown was a good at stopping the crisis getting worse but he didn't do anything to prevent and even made it more inevitable
He doesn't look like a modern leader, but that a good thing. The question is could he lead?

No, the question is where would he lead us. Leading us over a cliff would be leadership, but perhaps not the kind we want. Corbyn is full of simplistic airy fairy left wing fantasy nonsense. What we need is some sort of realistic left of centre social equality party, not crass trendy lefty simplistic class warrior ******. Anyway, a credible opposition is essential, otherwise the Tories will not be held to account.
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Hasn't anyone stopped to ask how a supposed hard-left politician can be called 'Jeremy'?? :LOL::LOL::LOL:
I see Corbyn backs the idea of public ownership. Yes, let's re-nationalise the railways and instead of 6 employees doing the work of 6 employees, we'll soon have 20 employees , doing the work of 6. Great idea Jeremy. (not)
In my opinion, Cameron is without doubt the weakest PM I've seen.

As for Corbyn, he seems about as far left as they come. Labour have shown that, for a long time now, when they are in power the country comes out of their administration worse off than when it went in. With Corbyn in charge, I can imagine it would be worse than ever.

By all accounts Blair was actually very weak. He should have sacked Brown, who would regularly walk into his office and ask "Haven't you ****ed off yet", and his aides would spin against Blair. He was used by Bush and never stood up to him. He gave in to Poland and gave back some of our EU rebate that Thatcher won. He never really took control of many issues, apart from a few great successes such as NI where apparently his charm pulled it off. He was afraid of losing and relied on focus groups, failing to make real changes which might make him unpopular. It was all smoke and mirrors, spin. Blair had charm, and pursuasion but hated conflict. There is a story of him going into his garden after the election, at number ten I think, and jumping up and down and repeatedly shouting "I'm prime minister", to the embarrassment of aides who were worried he would be seen.
Blairs "success" in N.I. was more to do with the Americans arm twisting the Unionists to accept a bad deal rather than Blairs charm, when Blair agreed to allow 100's of convicted terrorists to be released early he went on a walk about in a Unionist part of Belfast for some reason he expected people to rush up and shake his hand instead he had to be rescued by his minders.
'Intelligence of some of the electorate'.

WTF, is that about ? you live in a dream world don't you ? From Labour getting into power until the GLOBAL recession, cause centred on the USA... Plenty never had it so good !!

If Brown hadn't acted first among many, as he did with regard to the Banks - Where would we all be now ?
I shudder to think.


Brown was in part to blame, when he deregulated the banks, and created the FSA and independent Bank of England. No-one was keeping a watch on the markets, and unsecured debt. Of course it was caused by bad debt in America, but remember we had crazy behaviour by banks, with Northern Rock becoming huge, and giving mortgages with little or no deposit. When the crash came, no-one knew who was responsible, and looked at each other. Brown did eventually take control, along with Darling, and apparently came up with a very innovative way of injecting liquidity into the markets, which was copied elsewhere including America. He is said to be very clever, and brilliant when he focusses on an issue. We came very close to a collapse of the banking system, automatic tills shut, cheques bouncing, no pay, civil unrest, and worse. Brown and co saved us, and maybe he deserves huge credit, I'll leave it to those who know to decide.
I thought it was Mrs T who deregulated the banks and Labour just aped her policies, wasn't the Tory mantra "red tape is killing the economy" with the collapse of British manufacturing the new pot of Gold was to come from the Financial services industry, how many times did the Tories spout the government shouldn't get involved regulating the Golden goose of financial services as it stifled the creativity of the "Financial masterminds" who would rescue Britain from economic collapse.
In my opinion, Cameron is without doubt the weakest PM I've seen.

As for Corbyn, he seems about as far left as they come. Labour have shown that, for a long time now, when they are in power the country comes out of their administration worse off than when it went in. With Corbyn in charge, I can imagine it would be worse than ever.

By all accounts Blair was actually very weak. He should have sacked Brown, who would regularly walk into his office and ask "Haven't you ****ed off yet", and his aides would spin against Blair. He was used by Bush and never stood up to him. He gave in to Poland and gave back some of our EU rebate that Thatcher won. He never really took control of many issues, apart from a few great successes such as NI where apparently his charm pulled it off. He was afraid of losing and relied on focus groups, failing to make real changes which might make him unpopular. It was all smoke and mirrors, spin. Blair had charm, and pursuasion but hated conflict. There is a story of him going into his garden after the election, at number ten I think, and jumping up and down and repeatedly shouting "I'm prime minister", to the embarrassment of aides who were worried he would be seen.
Blairs "success" in N.I. was more to do with the Americans arm twisting the Unionists to accept a bad deal rather than Blairs charm, when Blair agreed to allow 100's of convicted terrorists to be released early he went on a walk about in a Unionist part of Belfast for some reason he expected people to rush up and shake his hand instead he had to be rescued by his minders.

Various participants in the peace process, including the then Tea Shop of Ireland, have stated that it was Blair that pulled it off, by dint of his determination and charm. I loathe Blair, but according to Andrew Rawnsley in his book on the Labour party, it was he wot won it.
'Intelligence of some of the electorate'.

WTF, is that about ? you live in a dream world don't you ? From Labour getting into power until the GLOBAL recession, cause centred on the USA... Plenty never had it so good !!

If Brown hadn't acted first among many, as he did with regard to the Banks - Where would we all be now ?
I shudder to think.


Brown was in part to blame, when he deregulated the banks, and created the FSA and independent Bank of England. No-one was keeping a watch on the markets, and unsecured debt. Of course it was caused by bad debt in America, but remember we had crazy behaviour by banks, with Northern Rock becoming huge, and giving mortgages with little or no deposit. When the crash came, no-one knew who was responsible, and looked at each other. Brown did eventually take control, along with Darling, and apparently came up with a very innovative way of injecting liquidity into the markets, which was copied elsewhere including America. He is said to be very clever, and brilliant when he focusses on an issue. We came very close to a collapse of the banking system, automatic tills shut, cheques bouncing, no pay, civil unrest, and worse. Brown and co saved us, and maybe he deserves huge credit, I'll leave it to those who know to decide.
I thought it was Mrs T who deregulated the banks and Labour just aped her policies, wasn't the Tory mantra "red tape is killing the economy" with the collapse of British manufacturing the new pot of Gold was to come from the Financial services industry, how many times did the Tories spout the government shouldn't get involved regulating the Golden goose of financial services as it stifled the creativity of the "Financial masterminds" who would rescue Britain from economic collapse.

Thatcher started off the deregulation, which was continued by Blair and Brown. Apparently Blair and Brown were in thrawl to the City, the golden goose as far as they were concerned. It is possible the Tories share as much blame as Labour, but at the end of the day it happened on the Labour watch.

Absurd tax levels and the unions were killing the country, if you remember.
The original question was Does he look like a leader?

Yes, he looks like a Labour Leader
Yes, most of them look a little strange, don't they? Some would say that they have 'character'!

That is a good point. Miliband was a bit weird. Burnham looks odd, an elaborate mobile home for two large black caterpillars. Cooper seems completely bland. Kendall seems far too normal, like someone next door. I have heard it said that Brown would not encourage anyone with any real strength of character, and so you got this pile of wet blankets. When you think back to Blair, there was Alan Johnson, Peter Mandelson, Clare Short, John Reed, and so on, all strong characters. What has happened to them all? I don't want Labout to become a sideline for weirdos with extreme left views, the Tories need opposition.
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