A life sentence that actually means life.

i would hope that if somebody had been convicted for a crime they did not commit, spent 5 years in prison, lost their house, job etc that they would sue the bo****ks off the state!! because acquitted means you did not do it! so it would be a breach of human rights to be locked up for so long only then to be acquitted and told 'oh sorry, it wasnt you'

If they had been hung and then found innocent, well thats not going to help them is it.

There is no point arguing, as these lot are just a load of bloodlust, thirsty for revenge, fools, who only think about immediate revenge, but discount the many times when the system has failed, and innocent people have died as a consequence.

The 'what if this person is your daughter' argument fails, when you also say, 'What if your daughter was locked up and killed, by the state, but you were fully aware that they are innocent.

But like I say, most are quick to criticise something they know nothing about, point the finger, jump on the bandwagon, with their half ideas, and badly thought out theories, and can't see a point logically or from an unemotional point of view, ie as the law would look at it.
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